
How could Rotku not anticipate this? (maybe they thought the controversy would give them a rating boost, but come on even most racists and islamophobes give Alex Jones a wide berth). That he gets any platform to speak at all is sickening - his lawyer claimed he was a “performance artist”. He isn’t, he’s a slug with no

I’m a Brit and so woefully ignorant when it comes to the American legal system, but how the hell is Alex Jones not in jail? Saying that a horrific tragedy like Sandy Hook didn’t happen, targeting grieving parents which led to them being harassed... That must come under hate speech and/or incitement to violence. Has

I watched an interview with a guy who owned a golf course and was upset that the wall would cut through it, essentially wrecking his income. When asked if in hindsight he still would have voted for Trump he said “yes”. There is literally no arguing with hardcore Trump supporters. Facts, logic, the fact that Trump

Matt Ryan aka Constantine was in it too. It wasn’t a bad show but it didn’t get the ratings and some people were pissed because it cut into the Criminal Minds budget.

Oh God, David Icke. He moved onto my little island a while back - I’ve sat on the bus near him and got the giggles wondering how many lizard people he could see.One of the guys I work with went to one of his talks/seminars just to see how weird it would be. He was there FOUR HOURS, he only stayed because he wondered

British pub jukeboxes are a thing of joy. Last year we just played classic cheesey Queen songs as in Flash! and the Highlander soundtrack until closing time because everyone was fed up of Christmas music. (This was in a proper rock/biker pub as well. There was lots of singing).

It’s all awful and I am seriously angry that his victim didn’t get the justice she deserved. The only plus side is that his name is out there and future employers might give him a hard pass when it comes to giving him a job as someone like that is not someone they would want to be associated with.

Now playing

“Trump: It’s incredible, even when I flew over here you see the ship and it’s really small, then you approach and it’s really big.”

Racism makes it a lot worse, but even if you took a school where all of the teachers were white or of the same ethnicity, how are the armed police supposed to know which person with a gun is the bad guy? Yelling “I’m a teacher!” isn’t going to work because wouldn’t the shooter just yell that too? Both my cousins are

Yup, I have a quite big horse who thinks the horsebox is a monster that will eat him if he goes in it, and that’s in a quiet non stressful environment. Having to load him with a fire going on and all the other animals panicking and we’d all be cinders by the time he was wrestled into the lorry. Good on Liam and Miley

Saville got a hell of a lot of coverage here in the UK, unfortunately everything he did came out after he died. But there were documentaries, it dominated the news for weeks, his headstone had to be removed and he’s still rightfully vilified when ever anyone mentions his name. Conversely Cosby gets hardly any mention

Absolutely all of this is horrible and heartbreaking. All of it was dealt with in the worst possible way. I’m glad that people took video and tried to stand up for Jazmine, but could not one of them had offered up their seat for her?I know I’m British and so am coming from a different perspective, but we are taught at

Damn it.  Why couldn’t Christian Bale have been wearing the Batsuit when he met Trump? Donald would have been giddy with glee at meeting Batman.

I found “You” by accident as it wasn’t advertised much that I saw. Enjoyed it a lot - creepy and with good performances. Hope no-one got any bright ideas about intensive stalking via social media that way!

What, no “The Trump Prophecy”? It didn’t show over here but I found it on youtube. You need a LOT of alcohol to get through it.

I love her - she always comes across as being genuine and candid. I’m glad that surrogacy worked out so well for her. Infertility is a tough ride. My sister had six miscarriages a failed attempt at IVF before the second time worked and she now has a beautiful daughter. She and my brother aren’t going to try again

Apparently Mariah Carey’s tour in the UK isn’t going well either with only half the tickets sold with just a couple of days to go. Not promising given that Christmas is kind of her “thing” and if ever a tour by her would be popular it would be this time of year. Maybe people are just fed up of paying a load of money

Trump certainly hasn’t read the Bible in his life - he just waves his Bible around according to where he is doing a rally. I’m an athiest but know lots of lovely people of different religions. This Bible belt rhetoric where the priest is infallable, and even when he is caught out it’s the victims who pay for his

Why isn’t “Bhad Bhabie” in school? Where are her parents? If she’s insufferable now then think what’s she’s going to be like in a few years. Yes I am an old and not”down with the kids”, and I’m not saying everyone who makes music should be held up as a role model, but she’s a fifteen year old ffs.

Didn’t Trump say that younger him resembled Elvis Presley in that rally in Tupelo last month? Easy, just get an Elvis impersonator for the job. Probably will  be about as qualified as whoever he has to settle for.