
Yay, first “It” and now one of my other favorite Stephen King novels. I enjoyed the previous adaption although I was way too young to watch  it when it came out. Looks like the casting is spot on - eep the truck racing past when you know what is going to happen..

Yup. I work in retail and get harassed by men (despite my not that attractive uniform), so do my fellow female colleagues. Sexism comes in all shapes and colors unfortunately.

My first thought too. If he started with petty theft and had no proper family structure then I can imagine it escalating somewhat. This though was calculated and cold. There aren’t many people who could end someone who they didn’t have a personal grudge against. R.I.P brave Viktoria.

That or lumbering around like an irritated bear behind their opponents like Trump did with the Hillary debate.

I didn’t know that - talk about trading up husband wise. She is a seriously strong woman to have endured all of that, and she still sounds and looks amazing. Ike is hopefully reincarnated as a naked mole rat.

Woah! That’s really frightening.

A couple of years ago I worked at a place called Appuldurcombe House. It’s on the Isle of Wight (south coast of the UK). It’s close to where I live and I did my degree in history so I was hired pretty quickly. There’s a falconry shop there and a cafe, but mostly people come for the house which has a long history which

Maybe one of his minions put up a poster of Ryan Reynolds and copy/pasted a suit with a big red tie on it and then attached it to all his mirrors...

That’s one of the many, many things I find baffling about Trump. He’s obsessed with watching himself on television - how does he not see how absolutely everything looks awful on him? I bet he still holds his tie down with sellotape. He’s married to a goodamn model, and while I doubt she wants to go shopping with him,

I’m pretty ambivalent when it comes to Taylor Swift, but after her tweet 65,000 people registered to vote within 24 hours pissing off Trump (and you can bet a lot of them are going to vote Democrat ), so it might be not much and rather too late, but it’s something.

After that really uncomfortable interview with Stephen Colbert I’m not that sure what to make of Rose McGowan. On the plus side she helped start the MeToo movement, which has got people talking about sexual abuse, on the other side you can’t pick and choose victims, I don’t even understand whatever point she’s trying

I can’t even imagine.. I’m British so I know that things are different over here, but I sat with my friend whose birth control failed and she got pregnant when she was eighteen. There was no way she could have afforded or was ready to take care of a baby. The doctor and the nurses were really kind and talked her

This is war. Time to fight. Vote on Nov 6 to protect the Supreme Court!” Something I can actually say that Trump is right about - although not in the way he meant it. Go vote Democrats in November - your reproductive rights are seriously at risk women, you have an ignorant monster as a President. It might already

Probably Zac Efron - I’m not entirely sure he is a real person anyeway. (Also who the hell is going to watch this? They pretty made a film of Barbie in Legally Blonde).

YUP. I know it’s a double standard, but when women defend men in sexual abuse cases that can be proven it just seems like a double slap in the accusers face. Of course the senate is condoning sexual assault - look at your pussy grabbing president and I don’t know how many senators resigning due to sexual misconduct.

She watched that awful Taylor Swift music video and thought that was the way white women should behave in Africa.

Ugh this made me sick. The Catholic church put this out? ( I know certainly not the majority of all Catholics would be behind the message, but the church has a serious problem when it comes to sexual assault).

Quite often I can be a bit iffy about celebrities protesting a cause because it in invariably takes attention away from the problem at hand. This though.. There was never going to be a proper investigation because Kavanaugh was a shoe-in before the vote (maybe I’ll be amazed and his peers will vote with their

Hmm I’ve looked up a couple of non partisan polls today and Trump’s down to 42% approval ratings. Good on John Paul Stevens and go to hell Orrin Hatch.