Hank the Deuce is a nickname for Henry Ford II. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Ford_II
Hank the Deuce is a nickname for Henry Ford II. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Ford_II
You can bet Enzo and The Duece are watching this with evil glee from wherever they now reside.
Ah, there’s your problem, someone set these cars to evil
“Oh, do shut up, Porsche.”
Forget it Jason, it’s Toontown.
Cars movies are like Jason Torchinsky articles - you just have to embrace the insanity and ride it out.
What do the letters by the gear shift mean? PRND/S?
If only somebody would just make a car that already had an LS in it.
The driver’s skills are far from Prefect-ion.
So you are a localvore when it comes to fonts? Sorry in a nmsi.session right now and it is a total bore
Especially since used RVs depreciate like a condom out of its wrapper.
And get off my urban farm plot!
Which is why labeling a people who were born in a certain era is idiotic since anyone is subject to this sort of thing, just change the product.
That’s true. If it’s not taught by a school, it can’t be taught by anyone else. Especially not parents. Nope. Everything must be learned in an institution.
What are you talking about? Craigslist is full of cars with V4s. Do some research dude.
Careful, you might give Torch a woody.
Ford Beetle.
(whispers) If you want it to be.