
Expecting Exxon to say “Hey everybody, pollution is bad” is a lot like expecting the government to say “Hey everybody, We may huff and puff about protecting you, but our primary concern is to line our pockets.”

Roasted marshmallows when parked.

Uh, what else are you going to do with the $4,000 a month allowance from your step-dad? The apartment is rent controlled and you can only drink so many Starbucks.

Stylewise, It gets a 7 out of 10.

If I had Eff you money, I’d be driving this today.

Why make a video of a Mustang drifting?
To show the average Mustang driver it can be done.

But the 4th horse is a lock and I’m a little light.....

I’m pretty sure that Ambolay Udeday is Latin for Lambo Dude.

I don’t think anything he’d done up till now compares with the accusation of keeping his HIV status hidden from people he was being intimate with.

And totally realistic. Totally.

You all are out of your minds if you think there’s a single thing wrong with that scene from The Dukes of Hazard.

A totally clapped out, but mostly stock, later Fox body Mustang.

A good pun is all in deLivery.

Traffic going the other way?

Interesting how this comes on the heels of the Jalopnik post about NYC manhole covers being made in India. I’m sure factory conditions are markedly different but still, it makes you think.

We may goof on EcoBoost but it was quite a gamble when it was first introduced (as TwinForce), especially in the F-150. Quite a change in direction for an American mainstream manufacturer.

The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla!

Is that the first appearance of the thumb-hole-in-the-sleeve?

Those aren’t sweatpants you moran, their track pants.

Mercury sure tried to get a little youth into the showroom. Without really trying of course. The 8th gen Cougar was actually a great little car. When shopping for his first used car my son preferred it over the Probe. The name definitely sent mixed messages though. Come to think of it, the Cougar name too. He ended up