
If not for a writers hand wave, he should have been able to stop the bolt like he did at the start of the movie.

Lets hope Crystal Skull was his last turn as Indy.

And how does that go again? Oh yeah family overcomes the dark side. Luke’s suffering is what leads Vader to return to light and kill the Emperor.

How does that first fight with Vader go again? Oh yeah Luke loses a hand.

Ahhhh.... you mean like force choking someone who disagrees with him? (I’m talking about Vader, Kylo does something similar but that’s because this movie is constantly ripping-off ANH).

That’s another thing that makes little sense to me. Half way through a fight he’s like give up and I’ll train you. Ahhh... your trying to kill me, why would I trust you, why do I want you to train me (you seem kind of terrible). How would this work exactly? Just seemed another thing forced in there for fan service.

That’s stupid. That’s like not training your storm troopers to use a gun because you don’t want them over throwing you. He should want Ren to be able to beat a guy whose never swung a light saber before and beat an untrained force user. Otherwise why does he even need Kylo?

Brilliant? Storm Troopers going uhh kid is throwing a tantrum again?

You don’t have to pay attention it’s blindingly obvious. He’s a whiny little b*tch and it’s a mistake in terms of characterization. He should be fearsome but I was left going: he turned to the dark side because he couldn’t handle Jedi boarding school? What did the kids pick on him? Did find solace online with radical

And failed to kill the guy that killed his friend...that seems more stupid than bad ass.

And yet Finn with no training wielded the light saber in a way that looked like he knew what he was doing.

That doesn’t explain anything. You know how characters will have a Devil and Angel on their should? This is that but we need to know what the Devil and Angel are saying. Why does he feel the need to be a Sith, lead an army, kill people (including his own father)? I don’t understand.

I hate this line of logic. Two things I’ve seen over and over again:

It seems an obvious extension of the ability to plant thoughts in peoples heads “these are not the droids you are looking for”.

Or ROTJ shows friendship and family overcoming the dark side.

Also Finn is arguably more like Han. Vastly more insecure, disinterested in the resistance until he needs to save Rey. Leather Jacket( yes I know he gets it from Poe but Poe specifically tells him to hold on to it). He is a storm trooper but doesn’t feel that’s his place(Han obviously dressed as a Storm trooper, so

Yeah but the awkward thing for Rian is the poorly thought out set ups he has been left with. Kylo is conflicted because? the only hint we get is Leia making a comment to the effect of: we/I started to lose him when we sent off with Luke ( yeah and Snoke some how). Your villain is a kid who couldn’t cope with boarding

2.Luke? The goody two shoes who redeems the unredeemable Darth Vader Is the embodiment of why Jedi shouldn’t have kids?You can’t go through life without emotional connections that will lead to depression anger hate...well you know the drill.

I did forget the bit where he struggles to get the Tie fighter going. I wasn’t trying to build Poe up at Han’s expense. I actually was trying to highlight how much better a character Han is. You can’t deny that Poe is more dedicated to the cause and shows less fear/self preservation than Han does. Poe feels less human

My parents have Black and Brown hair. Two of my brothers have Red hair. So probably. Just a matter of dominant versus recessive genes.