
If this drowns out the clusterfuck year Activision-Blizzard has had I will be more disgusted than I already am. Seriously, fuck Activision’s executives

Uhhh... I don’t know what world you live in, but A LOT of people have repetitive jobs they don’t really care for because they need to pay the bills. And most don’t make a ton of money doing so. So I think you are mistaken when you say nobody would take that kind of job, especially if it made them a ton of money. A

Gamers killed a half-assed game, and they did good in doing so. They showed a giant dev that they can’t just throw shit at the wall of a popular IP and except money to pour off. Sure, ME was sacrificed for this, but the gaming community reacted in the best way possible. If you want people to pay for your product and

I will never understand this mindset. “Man, if only gamers had tolerated a product that didn’t meet their expectations we cold have gotten DLC.” While every criticism sure as hell isn’t valued, stop pretending that consumer desiring decent products is somehow indecent. “it was still 100% playable” Wow. Hot-damn. What

Since you are an heterosexual man, and one who makes a point to emphasize it, it is only normal that banging a dude is not appealing to you.

As a homosexual man, banging a lot of things is way more appealing than banging you in particular.

Not trying to be a party “pooper” but as cool as this looks. If this Bear would have hurt her in anyway it would have been punished with death. I’m just not sure pretending to be a game character is worth the possibility of you or the animal (or both) losing their lives. I guess nothing happened but many situations

There’s a difference between checking to see if it was factor, and placing the blame on it.

How is this allowed? Why does one player dictate the resolution? It would seem that in a competitive environment that players would not be allowed to change settings just because they felt like it.

I mean you’re totally right, Eric, he clearly was concerned about the resolution, but to say he blamed his loss on it is a big jump that was definitely misleading :/ .

WTF. That’s not how reporting works. If your subject doesn’t make a statement, you can’t say he did. Jesus fucking Christ. Fix the headline.

So in other words, he didn’t blame the resolution for his loss. Like, at all.

That still doesn’t mean he’s blaming it for his loss. You’re putting words in his mouth, and now that he has corrected you, you’re still using the same misleading headline claiming he’s blaming the resolution. What is this?

There’s some vagueness in this article. You say he checked the resolution, but was it actually on the wrong resolution, or was he just checking? Also, did he actually verbally blame the resolution for his loss, or are you just inferring that? I don’t see an actual quote.

As someone who doesn’t read up on that type of shit, my impressions were this: Wow, it’s a Mass Effect game. Too many sidequests that are fetch quests, but otherwise it’s a Mass Effect game and I don’t see what the problem with that is.