
A simple hat ban made by a bunch of white dudes 200 years ago

Oh how I wish I had that kind of disposable income to afford La Mer. I wouldn’t buy La Mer, it would just be nice to have the money.

Her constituents did that already.

Yup. Normally took it at 12 and took it at 3 when I left work. Spotted the next day and unfortunately blindly trusted a period app and miscalculated the safe week. I’m a lesson in constant vigilance to all. 

these stories were less than a year old and have been basically bulldozed out of the public consciousness thanks to 45 and mounting global tension. Which, I’m not 100% surprised by, but still. this was a real thing picked up and verified by real news sources with government contacts going ON record.

this. even Jez reported it as false when it happened (the product is not a skin lightener). Why are we still pushing this like it's true? We don't need to make up shit to show this guy as the enormous douche that he is.

Yo, why are we still spreading the fake report that he recommended a skin lightener to that girl? It was a product for soothing inflammation. Truaxe is clearly having some kind of disturbing break down, but that tidbit was refuted ages ago and it’s disturbing to see something false repeated ad nauseum.

My flatmate and I had a housewarming.

Just because your mom told you she loves you doesn’t mean she does.

I feel like there has to be a direct correlation between how much hate a person has inside them and how it ages them faster in the outside.

Kept the White House flag at half-staff for the shortest amount of time allowed

Aretha would have known how to handle him.

I would like to sue the entire United States for the same reason.

They’re being used as a fairly literal human shield for the president.

As much as I hate Kim and Kanye, I’m glad they’re married to each other instead of making two normal people miserable.

Hamilton I was hoping you were going to talk to the 20 and 30 year old Deadheads on meth and who, for whatever reason, have dogs and hang out and sleep near Frenchman Street.

Why would New Orleans need advertising? We are New Orleans.

Only wives and mothers are entitled to be free from such ugly words. Praise be, and may the fruit open.

I’m being asked to believe that an air crew is homophobic?

The repeated Delta love was... suspect.