
Same here I get stopped Domestic and International they don’t even look at my paper work just wave / point me in the direction to get checked. I like also how they always ask me those travel questions which I think most ppl don’t know of the top of their head, but I am so used to it I tend to memorize all my travel

Ahm I would look at the area and poverty level of these crimes, your stats are stating that all these white ppl and black ppl live in similar neighborhoods not accounting for simply one family lives in a suburb versus another lives near a slum. I bet if you did that demagraphic you would be surprised to see that

Its funny I have been using this in a lot of dishes for years, my wife oddly does not like me using sauces that do not fit the country profile. When I make meat balls or a number of italian dishes the fish sauce significantly raises the flavor profile.

Where was this article last year when I owed money?

I actually grew up on this stuff and years ago I read a research study that couldn’t find proof of any health risks, the damage was done though because rarely does anyone use MSG.

Verizon Gnex here as well