
You can't say that isn't hilarious.

Most people were ignorant about conflict diamonds until that movie came out. And most people were still ignorant after the movie because it was about 10 years out of date and has little to no relationship to the current situation in West Africa.

Granted i don't know Carne so I may be off base, but I don't really think of any French filmmakers as comparable to Ozu stylistically. The French can make movies where nothing happens, but when they do it tends to be super stylish (eg Breathless). I agree with Donald Richie that Ozu is pretty distinctively Japanese,

I think because they didn't realize how tongue in cheek it was. I thought that was pretty obvious with the line "The Octopus…there is no telling how far his tentacles reach" but apparently people like their humor delivered by superheroes smirking and mugging at the camera.

I don't disagree in the least—you really don't need to defend the Beatles to me. But I think that for somebody like Reed, whose main background was in literature, the formulaic lyrical content would be a major issue. Furthermore, their music was never particularly challenging in the way, say, European Son was. I don't

I don't really see the comparison, to be honest. Truffaut and Kurosawa's similarities more or less begin and end with a general interest on society and the individual, and I don't see Oshima and Godard as being similar at all in style or position in their respective national cinemas. Bunuel is primarily remembered as

I'll start this by saying that I absolutely love the Beatles, still listen to them all the time and absolutely agree that they were masters and innovators of music…but lyrically they didn't exactly push boundaries. They were masters at telling simple stories and writing quotable lines and the like, but in terms of

I would prefer it is he kept doing whatever it was Age of Adz was, but that was lovely and I feel bad complaining.

It's super cliched and works for literally any work ever produced with absolutely no need for any thought.

I hate this type of fan theory.

I have never seen a show ruin itself better than that one. I can imagine the development committee meeting:

I know nothing about this, but I like the premise. Too often monster movies get thrown into particular "types": zombie movies tend to be "after the fall", kaiju tend to be about saving civilization, vampires are straight horror, etc. I like the idea of an "after the fall" kaiju.

Yeah, I really wish someone would put together a website where you can explore different details about films, perhaps creating a series of graphs that can be categorized by different metrics you apply.

Irony often gets lost when it crosses cultural boundaries, like when all of the people making jokes about how Kanye was really going to bring this obscure up-and-coming talent Paul McCartney to the limelight, which was taken by the media about all these silly kids who don't get real music.

There was never a moment when that entire franchise was not marketed up the wazoo. That ship sailed long before this ship will sail.

I simply could never fathom why anybody got mad at that. Han Solo dancing to "I'm Han Solo" to the tune of "Riding Solo" with stormtrooper backup dancers is objectively hilarious. There is nothing in that sentence that isn't funny. He even has a dance move called "the Trash Compactor"!

Cue people complaining about how this shows that this is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of Disney exploiting the franchise, while also forgetting that Star Wars pretty much existed as a vehicle to be milked.

I'm not a huge fan of her as a correspondent, but I think she would do great as the anchor. She's better at being sarcastic and sincere than the "faux stupid" shtick the correspondent pieces always require.

I rented On Golden Pond from Netflix once because I heard it is one one Hepburn and Fonda's finest performance, but I turned it off after five minutes. i know this is superficial, absurd, and probably stupid, but cinematography of the opening shots was so incredibly cloying—swans making ripples on the soft lit, golden

Woah woah, you can't possibly say that this is better than Argo!!?!?!?!?!? I mean, don't you remember the funny producer man who says "Ar-go fuck yourself!" Instant classic!