
Well he is right—I suspect Stewart would be less funny if he were in a labor camp. Not sure what his point was?

Completely agree, i wish there was a good term for these not-quite-full-sequels that are still definitely full and complete games. Not quite sequels, they are more like…side-quels.

It was a loooooot of potential and kind of less actual achievement. The setting was fantastic, which I was surprised by because I hate steampunk, and there are some really masterful touches (like the Heart, which adds so many layers to the setting). But the gameplay, while fun, wasn't exactly anything to write home

"awful writing (sadly par for the course in this day and age)"

I think it is when they debut new engines and the like, usually going along with revamped core mechanics. Think of how Skyrim tinkered around quite a bit with the basics of Oblivion's combat, leveling, magic etc systems.

Taylor Swift "apologia"? Is she Stalin now?

Human memory is actually surprisingly unreliable. I remember reading one experiment where they would show people old photos of them at the circus, or the park or what have you—only the photos were fake and they were digitally inserted in. But just seeing these pictures would cause the participants to "remember" the

Their only real bomb is Speed Racer, right? The Matrix movies and V for Vendetta made oceans of money, and Cloud Atlas was a modest financial success.

Hugo Weaving destroyed that role. I still remember the final scene between Neo and the (Agent) Smiths, with the line "Mr. Anderson! Welcome back. We've…missed you." Not the most original line, but delivered perfectly. I was briefly transported to a much better movie.

You haven't listened to any of her music, have you?