Tiago Mota

It took me some time to realize that most people who knew cellphones before they became smartphones don’t realize the capabilites of contact books on modern phones. My wife used to create a separated contact for every number a person has - because cellphones of yesteryear only allowed for a “name/number” combination -

This article does a great service in differentiating shyness and introvertion - a notion most people still mix up. But I would say that the way it approaches shyness, while it does make sense for some people - maybe most people - is not all that accurate.

True, introvert people can be not-shy, and not-shy people can

We are on month five of our little one. Here in Québec, Canada, we have the right to a mixed formula of parental leave - the mother gets 18 weeks, fathers get 5 weeks, and both parents can share how they wish either 32 more weeks or 25 more weeks, the difference being the percentage of your salary you’ll keep during

Great piece of advice. I never though about it this way, but since my infant son doesn’t share either my wife’s last name or mine, without the birth certificate there’s no way of proving he’s our son.

My wife and I aren’t legally married - I call her my wife because, paper or not, that’s what she is. But even if we

I have a newborn right now - our baby just completed it’s first month today! I’m on paternal leave until the end of the month - we get five paid weeks of paternal leave in Quebec, and I got an extra unpaid week due to a clerical error from my work.

My wife and I have one single shared bank account. We use only one Netflix account with different profiles - including one for us both - and each one has a Spotify account linked through a family subscription. She knows my cell passcode and I know hers, but we don’t have each other’s digitals added. We each have our

Trying to avoid the whole pretend vs real guns argument - which is valid, but not the point of the article - I believe it’s important, as the article said, to discerne between play action and real violence.

Will I be able to use Facebook Messenger if I do this?

I’ve saved so many Offspring articles already I should just wait for the book version. Will there be a book version?

Talk about a hot topic.

Very interesting article.

The Samsung article linked in this one gives away its age on the last paragraph:

I believe the key is balancing both what’s in this article and what’s in the one about letting kids be bored from time to time. I believe most of us remember when we were kids and there was no YouTube, Netflix or, in the case of kids growing in third-world countries such as myself, not even a whole lot of VHS to watch.

Sir, your reply is actually a better article than the article it’s replying to. I applaud you for that.

In that note, there’s an actual good way to enjoy the movie theater without having to be outside the law. I wouldn’t call it a hack, though.

It’s quite simple - though not easy for everyone to do: pick an early session during the week. If possible, the very first session. The theater will be clean, it will probably be

A kind and loving grandma will most likely receive lots of hugs, and kisses, spontaneously, unless the child doesn’t want to. Sometimes kids don’t want to hug anyone, not even their parents, and that’s OK. I hugged my grandmas a lot when I was a toddler without anyone having to tell me to or without it ever being

What I mean is why would people put the virtual home button on without having an specific issue? I can relate to people with motor skills issues using it, but putting it on just because you miss a home button?
It doesn’t take that long to get used to it. In fact, from all the reviews I read, one can get the new format

Fun fact you might not have crossed in your Google searches: in France and in Québec, we say “à tes souhaits”, which is a resumed way of saying “may your wishes come true”. There’s even a continuing way if the sneezer sneezes more times: “à tes amours, à tes enfants, à ton argent” and others, but I’ve never saw anyone

I can see this being extremely helpful in crowd situations and/or large spaces. Anyone who tried to meet with friends in a music festival, beach or any large gathering where there are no real good location references will benefit. Parents and their kids could also put it to good use.

But, as with everything, it’s a