Tiago Mota

I watched the first two LotR movies in a theater that, somehow, still had intermissions. Old movies were edited that way - some even showed an “intermission” on the screen - but obviously LotR wasn’t. The theater decided where to split, around the mid-mark, but didn’t put anything to warn the public. I, and I guess

Well, my guest network is still password protected, it just doesn’t connect anyone in the guest network with my connected devices. It’s not like I have an open network - I live in an apartment building, so having an open network, guest or otherwise, was never an option. I even set a connection time for the guest

Thanks a lot!

I don’t know hot to set up a QR code for the guest login, but I would very much like to. It would be a great upgrade for the whiteboard near my door with the name and password for the guest network.

Usually it’s a standard option on modern routers. Go to your router configuration page, there should be a switch to turn on the guest network, then you can set a name and password.

Mine was right below the main network, just waiting to be activated. If you have any doubt, just google “[router model] guest network”.

It’s a neat feature, but ultimately useless for people who, like me, has a separate guest wifi that don’t access everything in your LAN. Too many connected devices these days to simply allow people into your main network.

And, honestly, everyone should have a guest wifi, right? It’s not a question of not trusting

Is there an Audacity filter, or a setting, or an app, to playback my recorded voice the way I hear it? I just want to show people what I sound like to myself, and hear what others sound like to themselves.

Yes. Thanks for that. I might forward this article to a bunch of people.

Over years and years of not having where to dry my hands, I started applying a not-so-subtle tactic of either shouting from the bathroom something like “hey! You don’t have any hand towels! Where do I dry my hands?” or, if the hosting event is too

A good article but, as appointed already, missing a few key answers.

In the middle of the way between “Going on the attack” and “Educate the masses”:
- It’s not your business. Plus, it’s a rude question to ask, you should stop asking people that.
- Not everyone can or want to have children. Why do you assume I can or

It’s hard to find something online that addresses the introvert/extrovert duality like you did, so kudos for that.

You mentioned the “binary personality” notion being false, which I agree with, but I believe in a “personality spectrum” - not sure if this is actually a thing - and that some other characteristics play a

I sometimes think about how other, less obvious areas are impacted by gender and race bias.

Case in point: I bet most contraceptive methods were developed by men - if only because women were prevented from pursuing higher education not long ago. So they focused on what was either easier for them - condoms - or would

I’ve been a Firefox user since its beginning, and a Chrome user after it gained enough momentum. But lately I’ve been going more and more to Safari, in one of those “wait, it this actually good and been sitting here all along?” moments. As said in the article, it’s about as fast as all others and offers about the same

Google Inbox is not that bad. But, for me, Spark wins the race, for one reason: attachments from multiple sources.

I believe every email app today has swipe functions - or, at least, every email app worthy of the name.

Type I looks like a sad monkey. Type H looks like Thundercat’s Ro-Bear Berbils.

Types D and M looks like the same - which is also the look of the robots that will be in the front line of the AI uprising.

N and J are also the same.

Why can’t we all have the same plug? It’s about time. Let’s change everything to USB and be

Technically, most eReaders are the same. All of them have font size and type adjustment, annotations, underlining and, now, backlight. Most have batteries that last weeks. Most have touchscreens, the same storage, and the same size and form factor. Even the prices are similar. It’s like comparing two identical

Even better then better soft toilet paper is moist wipes. Try it only once, and using toilet paper will feel like going back to medieval ages. Especially when you are on the go and can't pick and choose the toilet paper.

I know its way over tech stuff but, well, you brought it up.

I can't get my Outlook.com account to work. I get an "unable to authenticate with Exchange" error message and an option to set the server manually - wich I don't have a clue how to do, and even after googling it and trying a few options didn't work.

I wonder if the two-step authentication o Outlook.com could be the