
That speed...that low center of gravity...someone’s going to have to hose Mel Kiper off with some very cold water.

Leaf basket is to Pandas as honey pot is to Winnie the Pooh.

Girl: “Cool a ball. Thanks”

Chow/Dire Wolf mix?

Clever comment +1

I love how he roofs the puck on the backhand even though he beat the goalie so thoroughly he could’ve just slide it along the ice into the back of the net.

Not slowmo-ey enough. Needs the super slowmo treatment.

I feel like the puppy that murdered the witness hurts your case more than helps it.

I figured out the niche porn he’s referencing.

That’s so great. I think it would be a good idea for all us Deadspiners to take a moment out of our day to remember Patty Mills and the vibrant life he led.

We can’t give these fuckers any opening!

There was a shit ton of long dongs yesterday.

Poor Patty Mills. So young, so full of life. You will be missed brother.

I tried some Sapporo for the first time a few weeks back...solid beer.

Watching that dong did something to my dong.

“He doesn’t hit well enough to warrant a Gold Glove.”

Could it be that hot takes are the opposite of bears? Stay with me here...bears hibernate during the winter and hot takes hibernate during the summer? I...I don’t know. I’m grasping at straws here to try to explain the hot take drought.

In anticipation of the new show I picked up a pair of Ove Gloves in order to handle all the hot takes. Only like $13-$14 bucks on Amazon with Prime shipping. I suggest you all do the same.

I get irrationally excited for these posts.

Awesome movie for the dance sequence alone