Realizing mistake, commenter switches from vitriol to condescension. Original idiot accepts the change.
Realizing mistake, commenter switches from vitriol to condescension. Original idiot accepts the change.
This was his real reason for wanting all the Infinity Stones. Only all of the Infinity Stones attached to the gauntlet would be powerful enough to apply the level of Preparation H mixed with Aloe Vera he needed!!
Handing him his change in the Arby’s drive-thru window does not mean you know him.
Angry commenter misunderstands silly comment, proceeds to hyperbolically and self-righteously respond. Brings up suicide to seem edgy.
Terry Pratchett’s collector of souls begrudgingly admires gimmick comment style. Said style begins to wear thin.
Really good friends.
Internet stranger with sitcom user name responds with rage of an implied humorous nature.
Good actor makes unimportant and too personal announcement of personal hygenic mistake. Pop Culture website covers it as part of faux-ironic feature. Idiot clicks and makes not particularly smart comment. Earth continues to rotate on axis.
So instead of Ant-Man going into his butt, the Avengers could have beaten Thanos just by exposing his corn hole to sunlight?
The nice thing is all the movies in the SCU sorta stand on their own. Sure Irishman may reference Italianman or Polishman at times but they are only passing references and don’t get in the way of his story.
I had someone hand draw all the frames into a telephone book and now I’m watching it as a Flip Book.
I'm watching it via giphy gifs.
I don’t think he actually gives a shit if you decide to watch his movie however you want. He was asked for his thoughts about why he didn’t create a mini series and gave an honest answer.
Okay but in terms of watch order, does the Irishman come before Civil War or after Doctor Strange?
No, but there’s a pause button on the remote so you can create your own intermission.
I’m watching it in short, 30 second bursts on a smart watch.
In true American fashion, we have the Hot Pocket.
Imagine being 19 years old, growing up in Central FL and PA and never being exposed to any of this. Now take that kid and put him on a Navy ship visiting Australia, Hong Kong, the Phillipines all while being home ported in Pearl Harbor...yeah, there was reason that I went from 6'4" 169 to 6'4" 190 very quickly and…