
...nice people don’t ask for free drinks.

Oh hell yes. I just saw the trailer for the “Between Two Ferns” movie on Netflix, and I thought “Why do we need this, it works so much better as a little internet show?” (props for using La Tigre’s Deceptacon in the trailer though, that song is still my jam). The On Cinema universe, though, that definitely has enough

Tim will be a great DA. First order is putting Hillary Clinton in prison for a life term, if not more! Tom Cruise Jr would be proud of his dad.

Only a goon hired by Rosetti The Rat would say that!

Five bags of popcorn, and I’m going to go ahead and make this an Oscer Pick.

Watch the Delgados try to bury this. Tim is out there fighting, and everyone is against him. 

“And among that group are trolls, professional bigots, white supremacists, Nazi sympathizers and more of the very worst white people; an adoration due to the parallels between their sensibilities and his.”

I mean, it MIGHT have some stealth sequel elements to another title by the same developer.

I’ve had my eye on Control since E3 a couple years ago, and the fact that nobody was talking about it all this time really bummed me out. Really glad to see such positive reviews now- However I can’t help but wonder if this would be on more people’s radar if hype was a little better.

Plus, fast food is one of his few actual areas of expertise.

I’m not sure this White House’s occupant has ever gotten just one sandwich. He likes his KFC buckets.

Of any administration to issue an official statement about a fast food sandwich, you don’t think THIS one would?

How can this game be good if it's not a sequel to an existing property?

If Microsoft were truly smart, they’d snap Remedy up yesterday.

I feel sorry for people who don’t have fun memories from their youth that they like to revisit from time to time. 

I chalk that first one up to being SEO: Someone Else’s Order

  • 1 egg, beaten
    -how I feel after reading the steps required to achieve this tasty morsel
    -Can’t I just pay at least one loyal, trustworthy, hard working Takeout reader to make a bunch of Lumpia Shanghai and ship them my way?

As a nurse I have some great Filipino friends and co-workers and have enjoyed lots of Lumpia over the years. One stands out, however, because not only was hers the tastiest most perfectly formed golden brown treasures I have eaten, but the speed at which she could fill and wrap hundreds of these beauties at a time was

Nolan has Michael Caine (every movie since Batman Begins, including Dunkirk where he only did a voiceover).

Crushing the cucumbers gives more surface for the sauce to collect, and keeps it from simply running onto the plate below.