
You are absolutely correct, thank you!

Kevin Hart was correct not being a distraction or whipping boy for the PC groups. The Academy for decades ignored the achievement of Blacks in movies production etc. and they are going to dictate who apologizes, I think not. Their hosts who donned blackface didn’t apologize. Rather than attack Hart view the

Par for the course beyond a doubt Kathy Griffin voted for Trump and he spurned her now she wants Blacks to join her. How many Black comics were involved with her and Anderson New Years Eve celebration. Kathy go find Andy Cohen and get some help. 

Thank you for a well written thought out reply. Too many past administrations fail for holding hold overs. Congratulations and good luck Mayor Bottoms!

The reality is not only film but the media act like we don’t exist. The reporting of hurricane damage is all about Puerto Rico no mention of the Us Virgin Islands. St Thomas, St Croix etc. suffered the same devastation no electricity, lines down and no one speaks about it, God Bless Jennifer Lopez, ARod looking out

Odd no one is saying he’s not qualified to be stuck in an elevator. Guess qualifications don’t rate in this situation.

I am so glad you clarified no relation to Harry Belafonte with that surname a lot of assumptions are made ( I was wondering).

To make a scene would have just upset the child. The parents acted with poise and sense the cashier and those around them learned a valuable lesson.

Stories like this are so sad but it was so good she got to meet Beyoncé her idol.

Shout out to Colin Kaepernick contributing 50 thou to meals on wheels.

President Obama’s supporters were busy looking for other Black people to tear down so the were not able to respond in kind.

Garbage in garbage out. Videos are for all to see and comment. Negative videos get negative comments.

Disrespect in this Country is at an all time high. The more disrespect we show the more we will get children are watching and learning. Teenage girls are beating the hell out of older Black women. Young Black men are whipping older Black men. Black celebs and others denounce Ben Carson and don’t even know who the

Love it my laugh for the day!

Don’t worry Daniel you did a fine job. Forgive us Black folks no one asks our opinion about the economy, foreign policy etc. so we comment on other Blacks, American born, British, West Indian etc. Good ole Sam had just gotten through commenting on Dr. Ben Carson and you came to mind.

Every time a Black is considered there are 10 zillion Blacks yelling sellout, uncle tom, unqualified stop negating yourselves and than cry foul

April is a big girl she can handle herself. Black spats are so damn silly. Lets talk about Michael Jordan and Brooklyn Borough Pres Eric Adams defending Charles Oakley and demanding removal of ban and charges. So happy to see Black folks standing with their own building up rather than tearing down.

Be careful not to erase slavery from history. Sometimes reminders keep people saying “Never again”!

How can the Democrats stop, reverse or argue a position if they boycott. The Democrats are to represent their constituents by being present and argue on their behalf; if they are too old, tired or lack vision they should retire. Running to have news conferences crying the blues is ridiculous. More Dems should follow

Thanks for starting my day with good humor!