

A mural in the bathtub???

Ditto, I live in a 4 season state with a serious winter and would rather bike in a blizzard (been there) than ride a stationary bike. That said, I understand not everyone is comfortable on the street or has access to safe bike infrastructure so I see the draw. Also I know some stationary bikes are a good, low-impact

A sentient car travels to Acapulco and brutally murders anyone who mistreats it or its owner. CHRISTINE GOES BANANAS, coming Winter 1983.

Gym membership? More like germ membership

people who hate gyms and gym culture in general”

Yeah, man, my fit, healthy 35 year old brother with no pre-existing conditions who climbed mountains and ran regularly before this just needed to be less “inactive”...that must be why 4 months after having COVID he’s suffering from myocarditis and has only JUST been able to complete a two mile walk with no negative

Maybe I’m in the minority, but I actually didn’t mind the Fireworks.

Come to Daddy...

I went as trump in 15; long poorly knotted shiny tie, ill fitting suit, squirrel dog toy wrapped around my head. #squirrelonmyhead is a thing

We’re going to see this everywhere, this year.

1. Let he who has not sinned self pleasured furiously as a third party to your wife’s dalliances while you kick out students for far less cast the first stone unconditionally endorse Trump on the one week in a four year period where Trump desperately needs his hypocritical endorsement.

Ellen is a challenge to the LGBT community to not see things in black and white. “Ellen the shitty boss” can and does coexist with “Ellen the trailblazer for LGBT folks in celebrity media.” We should not let one erase the other in either direction.

Needed to craft: 20x gold nugget, 1x Allen wrench

“Grade: B”

Now playing

I’m 6'3 , ex army and Don scared me to death! The only other performance like that I can think of is Paddy Considine in Dead Man’s shoes :

Kingsley is goddamn terrifying in this movie. Even that screenshot at the top I kinda want to back away from with my hands up.

I think what’s amazing about the airport scene is it demonstrates that Don isn’t just some muscled-up force of destruction. Unlike, say, Joe Pesci’s character in Goodfellas (a phenomenal performance, no slight), Don is aware of and cares about the consequences of his violent moods - that’s why he can modulate to deal

This is easily the best performance of Kingsley’s career. The best scene is pretty much a tie between Don winding himself up while talking to the mirror, and the wide-eyed innocence he puts on while talking his way out of the airplane incident (“I was shaking like a leaf, so without thinking I lit up a cigarette to

This is easily in one of my top-ten fave moments of working in a second-run cinema years ago. I worked quite a few nights that we played this gem. Over the course of the film, before Kingsley even showed up on-screen, you could hear the faint sounds of the wooden cinema seats creaking back from the weight of the