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tfw you serially date uber religious dudes and then are like wtf bone me please and they are like dude what part of this did you not get and you’re like tru


Sorry, gang, my fault. I sarcastically asked if Coldplay could get any worse on this album and the universe obviously took it as a challenge. Oops.

So an organization that has the distinguished honor of being designated a hate group threatens to sue the school if they proceed with this reading and the school bows down to them? Shame on this school. Total and utter shame. You gave in to the very bullies you seek to eliminate.

the reception was decorated with “bowls and bowls filled with cigarettes, and everyone smoked the whole night.”

The New York Times title about Adele is rubbing me the wrong way. Adele is not a new and an up-and-coming artist. She had a successful album before releasing this one. Besides, why did they include the fact she is a mother? Is this trying to lessen her accomplishments? I got to read it to see if it still gives me bad

I can only assume that people who believed this have never used any piece of exercise equipment. If you've ever seen how long it takes to burn 67 calories on the elliptical or treadmill, you'll immediately realize how ridiculous the idea of fart-based calorie burn actually is. And yet, I saw that nonsense posted

Can I just say that I’m really enjoying this day of Shrayber? I know I’m not supposed to want people to work on holidays, but this has been so fun to read. Things are not going to be the same around here. So bummed. Losing you is like the shit cherry on the shit sundae that is this mess of layoffs.

Good Luck to you, thanks good good times, thanks for SLOT.

“The Family Stone” was an atrocious waste of an otherwise charming cast.

If anyone’s curious why Mr. Wells starts off his statement with “Every time this happens,” well, let’s just say he has a long and sordid history of this kind of behavior. Specifically, he was the guy that made so much noise over Jennifer Lawrence being “too big” for The Hunger Games, and said that readers should

11) Don’t make them watch this this terrible fucking movie.

I will always ungrey Hoban Washburne. He’s a leaf on the wind.

Kind of like reruns of SVU. If Mariska has long hair change the channel. If it’s short, keep watching.

From the Amazon Q&A section:

Wait a second......”vagisoft”? We’re just going to let that pass by with no comment here?

Two sittings? Quitter!