Thursday Next

Hahah I have a friend who does this. Apparently the name I (and all our friends) call him is his middle name, and then when he went to college his instructors called him by his first name and he never corrected anyone. So now he is known by different names in different cities.

I have major dentist phobia but also anxiety about this horrible drooly chitchat. But I have now discovered that a couple of Percocets half an hour before my appointment do a whole lot of good.

Yup, pro-lifers have consistently shown that they care far more about “potential life” than they do about real lives.

I guess they’re star-crossed lovers! My sister found one of her own, too. They moved in together within a few weeks of dating. He works sometimes, but I don’t think he’s held down a job for more than a few months at a time. Which explains my discovery that my mom has frequently paid their rent.

Yikes, that is a terrifying thought. Your poor grandparents.

Yup, unfortunately I think they’ve developed a really co-dependant relationship. I need to figure out how to talk to my mom about it in a way that doesn’t make me the bad guy (I’m always the bad guy).

Yup. And yet at some point my sister forgot this, and has been manipulating my mom out of a hefty % of her meagre income over the last several years. It drives me crazy. We grew up in the same house, she knows my mom lives paycheque to paycheque. But my mom bails her out every month, buys all her groceries, and just

I haven’t watched the videos and have heard that they are doctored/fabricated, but ... even if they weren’t, who cares? What exactly is the big fucking deal about using the tissue for research? I don’t understand! Research is good! Tissue doesn’t have feelings! jahfjkdlhfkj

Last winter my friends and I made an L Word-style relationship map of our queer community, and it was disgusting. This map seemed really quaint by comparison, until I remembered how many of these people are related.

I think it’s just because they visually elongate her legs. They’re not really going for realism here. Same reason her hair and makeup are done.

Haha no, it was the armadillo!

I am not a baby nor do I have one, but I used to read But Not the Hippopotamus all the time when I worked at the library, and it makes me laugh every single time. Poor, unrhymable hippopotamus.

I used to work at the public library and I always recommend the Olivia pig books by Ian Falconer. There’s a TV show too, but I don’t know what it’s like. The Olivia of the books, however, is just this really awesome opinionated pig who likes ballet and art and trying new (loud) things, and doesn’t want to be a

Am not a baby and do not have a baby, but the Sandra Boynton book “But Not the Hippopotamus” makes me laugh out loud every time. Poor, unrhymable hippopotamus.

I ate a sub-par burrito on Sunday, and it was a terrible idea. Once you’ve tasted a proper burrito, there ain’t no going back.


Holy shit.

That is really weird. The only time I’ve blocked someone, it was as if their page didn’t exist anymore.

I work in an office at a large corporation, so policy is law here. They eliminated work-from-home days last year, which a lot of people will use when they’re coming down with something and don’t want others to get their germs, but aren’t so sick that they can’t work. When we voiced this complaint, we were told that if