Darth Maul was voiced by Peter Serafinowicz, who was Duane Benzie in Spaced and Peter, Shaun’s uptight flatmate, in Shaun of the Dead. He has a great voice and makes loads of money doing voiceovers.
Pedant alert: if you’re British you should spell it ‘offence’.
No swamps in the UK. He might crash into a bog, though ....
I live very close to where Sir Terry lived in Broad Chalke and had to drive past his house on the day he died. I looked over and said ‘Bye Terry, and thanks’ as I drove past. So sad. I only met him once, at a charity jumble sale he was opening. His humility and humour were the things about him I noticed most. And his…
AS Byatt reviewed The Shepherd’s Crown for the Guardian and she thinks it’s classic Pratchett and he is an important writer: