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    Sorry Hue. 1-31 pretty definitively proves that you are in fact a loser. Perhaps if you were less worried about bickering with Todd Haley and more worried about doing your job, things would change.

    On this side of the bay, we call them tampons.And if they want the team, come get them. But we are not paying for a team with an owner that does not want to kick in a share  

    Unreliable people are going to be unreliable. Film at 11.

    Not to suscribe to anything Stephen A says as intelligent, but I am a child of addicts (Both beer and drugs) going back generations.

    I am not black. But I have the honor of raising children who are black. And I have 14 black people in my immediate family by both marriage and blood. I was also raised by a black man who took care of me when no one else did.