On the second to last paragraph... I think you meant to type the title of the game after the word ‘like’, so it’d read like “Games like Green Hill Paradise Act 2"
I saw the word Castlevania and fell in love with her instantly. Welcome aboard!
Also, I’d be really interested in seeing you cover the history of questing, in terms of how far we’ve come to get that feeling of fulfillment after completing a quest. Think from Simon’s Quest to Skyrim.
I haven’t played it yet, I’ll admit... but every time I see the name, I can’t help but think about the Battle-Born family from Skyrim before I lose interest in this game.
This kind of thing doesn’t bug me at all.
Didn’t the first two of three GBA Castlevania games after Symphony of the Night do the same thing?
But... but... I was able to do that in Final Fantasy VIII after hours of grinding on the Island of Hell on Disc 3, well before the end.
The news sucks, but at least the delay gives me a chance to clear away some of the backlog I’ve got. Also, Street Fighter V should keep me busy. Spring isn’t that long away... just means I’ll probably be MN9'ing before and after every new Game of Thrones episode.
I knew something special was happening over at SNK when I saw my favorite character Andy Bogard in the Playstation Experience trailer. I hope that the old devs give a long, hard look at all of their other franchises as well. I’ll happily take more Metal Slug, Samurai Shodown and a new iteration of The Last Blade!
My favorite moment playing my Xbox 360 came when Castle Crashers was first released on XBLA. Sure, the matchmaking was atrocious and buggy as hell for the first few weeks, but for those rare occasions when the servers actually worked, it was just amazing.
Come to think of it, that whole Summer of 2008 really made me…
Some of these tips could be applied towards competitive fighting games as well! Thanks for the list!
They could’ve named it “Fatal Furry”.
Oh, man. That trailer music sounds like something that would fit perfectly in Megaman X.
That’s pretty damn awesome!