If you wanted a great bargaining chip to lots more access to users personal data without the usual effort of NSA hacking/intercepts, a lawsuit involving lots of bad press and potential money that could just go away sounds pretty strong.
If you wanted a great bargaining chip to lots more access to users personal data without the usual effort of NSA hacking/intercepts, a lawsuit involving lots of bad press and potential money that could just go away sounds pretty strong.
“Make a public commitment to” != “have such a thing in place.” Gearbox is trying to get G2A to make a lot of positive PR statements, get their stuff sold, and then they can walk away with super disappointed face when, somehow, G2A failed to honor their part of the bargain. Gearbox either gets G2A to take the blame, or…
The reason that large pharma companies haven’t dove on this is the polymer it is based on is, I believe, not eligible for any sort of patent protection. Since nobody can get the cost bump potential from patent protection, any company that tried to gouge on it would be undercut by another company, so the potential…
The bill of goods was that the bad guys would lose when somebody else fought them.
Gas dispersal is annoyingly complex with enclosed vs. open/ventilated spaces and still vs. flowing air, dosage is hard to do when you have a good medical history and can administer to a compliant patient by syringe, allergic reactions are possible and could lead to death of bystanders, and if the person is more…
So Bill O’Reilly, who at least tries to represent himself as someone who knows things in the news and would then help explain things to people, when asked about what someone in politics said as he watched it, apparently could do nothing but sit there picking his nose and think “man...that lady has hair.”
If the electrical systems in your electric car fail, I feel very confident that your speedometer, were it working, would read 0 mph.
Call his bluff. Do it.
Question for those who might really know body language:
Did Donald Trump just lie so hard he accidentally made blackout poetry?
Step 1 in survival: take stock of all your tools the moment you have time to.
I think this question could be asked about nearly everything about Donald Trump.
Do you want even more budget cuts to pay for orc defense? Because that is how you get even more budget cuts to pay for orc defense.
This is just utterly disappointing. When the game came out, the 1-30 experience was frankly great. The balance, the gameplay loop, the exploration, the unlocking new areas, the story told in large missions but also through small intel collectibles. Just fantastic. But from 1.0-1.3, the endgame balance, rewards, and…
Wasting away again with Marge, Rita, and Phil.
Hmmm, a moral and intelligent man who will respond to “Don” who is also an excellent actor. Can we paint Don Cheadle orange and slip him into the White House? As long as he keeps himself to short sentences I’m not convinced anyone who voted for Trump would know the difference, and if anyone in a position of power…
Yeah, IAmSoNotAmused made the point that by Social Security actuarial tables, the average 70 year old man can expect to live another 14 years. While Trump does have indications against long life (eating steak cooked into carcinogens, fast food and snacks to a degree suggesting a pathological fear of vegetation,…
West Wing: Resistance. Tell the story of people working for a parallel of this terrifying administration who disagree and have to pull double duty to leak the insanity that is happening.
They are trying to make it an extension of racketeering laws. The protest would be considered a criminal enterprise that was responsible for the destruction, and you would be liable as part of that, in spite of not actually doing anything.
Buy a $20 phone from walmart with cash, same with a card to activate it from a bodega sort of spot that won’t keep long term surveillance tapes if they have any sort of tracking for that purchase to that card. Text it so no voice recording, turn the phone off and remove the battery, wipe it off so no prints, take out…