
I literally can’t understand this. I’m not remotely the most politically engaged person, and I will never claim to be the most aware of the complexities of all manners of discrimination, but this is really into the territory of “how were you physically conscious during the election and didn’t see this coming?”

Unbefuckinglievable is a favorite of mine.

They are going to lay into the law in some really gross uncomfortable ways, no doubt, and there will be pain and suffering. But I think we have several important things to look forward to.

Richard Spencer is a singularly gross and awful person.

Will we finally, truly, enter the Al Franken millennium?

Or to have a greatly increased control over the amount of traffic and to almost certainly have everyone there be on the payroll and having signed crazy NDAs.

Someone spent money on something involving Trump and lost money. I am utterly shocked. /s

While I think the best step, long term, would be to just negotiate prices with US companies for decent rates and extend patent protection for the company that makes it (turning a good drug into a long term investment, rather than something you research and then have a decade or so to really get the money out of it

They don’t want any surprises when they follow a woman into the bathroom.

Looked at another article and it sounds like she doesn’t get the empire to keep. Because Choudhury refused to pay, the only option is to seize assets and divert income to settle the payment.

That does seem to be a failing in the media. He was literally in the room for the statement, presumably listening to respond in debate, and now he is saying it didn’t happen. So either he is lying, or one begins to seriously question his mental recall and/or focus.

Rowling herself pronounces it with a silent T (stated on twitter, linked below), and has clarified that she did take the name from French language, suggesting at least some origins of the phrase (documentary about the idea of “Flight from Death” in french history also linked below), and it would be a monstrous

Voldemort. As in Vol de Mort (flight from death, indicative of his obsession pursuing survival at all costs/immortality, and what led him to the festival of Horcruxes).

The workout you are mentioning, Murph, you have left out 2 very important elements to the workout, namely the 1 mile runs before and after the listed calisthenics. That would seem to merit shoes.

I can see the scorpio running the Rift, but Microsoft has also announced partnering with a number of hardware producers to make HMDs starting at $300, which would be much more the price point that someone buying a console would be likely to purchase at. If you already had a Rift with a PC and could just move it

OMG, the awful people can wear nice clothes and get haircuts?! It’s like outward appearance isn’t necessarily the best measure of the actual character and behavior of a person, and we should judge them by words and actions rather than their ability to purchase attractive clothing!

Hold onto that feeling, we may need that to take down a southern border wall in a while, and will need all the help we can get.

Scandal had machines which gave individual receipts, but otherwise tabulated results only in a digital fashion. Individuals would get receipts stating who their vote was for correctly, but the overall vote tally would skew some % away from that, switching who won the overall.

So the secret 8th kingdom that people kept thinking existed, and could be a surprise season 8, is actually America?

Well, there was that “Who said it: Kanye or Hitler?” game that was done by Garfunkel and Oates. So it might have some decent precedent.