
I live in Calvary. I see a lot of truck nuts believe it or not. When I see them I always assume the owner just loves balls, loves them. They love giant swinging sweaty balls.

IMHO #3 doesn't apply if you are replacing false badging added by the manufacturer itself. For example I replaced all the "Merkur" badges on my old XR4Ti with Ford badges and added "Sierra" to the back. I think this should be perfectly acceptable!

Buckus he is a toyota nascar driver.

My eyes, my eyes! It burns! Make it go away!!!

How did "neons" not make this list?

Agreed. Louvers actually look good on 3rd gen Camaros.

I've been meaning to get one of these.

What no one realizes is they were trying to load it IN the trailer off a wicked sweet jump just out of frame - almost made it but the plywood shifted.


"Cry harder."

Please, Mr. Ostrofsky, tell me more about how difficult being rich is.

It looks really grounded to the ground.

Hyundai driver. Nuff said.

Drivers thoughts (man these Hyundai's drive like shit).

Oh hai

So a german Mullet?

An honorable mention.

and this:

There was the Sixteen, the Cien, the Ciel, and now the Elmiraj, but all plans are off for production. Just build one already.

Just fucking look at that badge. Look how pimp that shit is.