
Did you really expect him to stand up against such kind of bullshit?

I never would have imagined “Sir” Williams to be so easily bought.

I thought Europe got gas from Stalputin (in a couple ways).

Europe needs their natural gas really bad

It is, but it isn’t.

Exactly. They’ll be back next summer, if not sooner.

Somewhere between ‘an undisclosed, appropriate amount’ and ‘a metric fucktonne’ - with a strong tendency towards the latter.

I’m not sure it is really euphemism (as though euphemism could still do any good in pop culture, but never mind that...)

I don’t see why everyone is surprised, they’ve been doing this for years.

Figures it was the moneybag behind Al-Anabi Racing, which managed to build a championship NHRA team overnight by poaching and grossly overpaying the biggest talent with Qatari state money, just to abruptly pull out and leave all these team members in the lurch when the government decided that one man’s drag racing

, ‘I could have you killed and get away with it,’” Rogers said. “I told him, ‘the press is allowed to be here on the sidewalk on a public street.’ He said, ‘(Expletive) America’ and threw a cigarette at me.”

I wonder how much blood money was paid for that statement.

They probably put the cars on a Qatar Airways cargo plane and then jumped on their 737 and headed home. They ship their race cars back and forth between the US and the Gulf States on those cargo planes all the time.

Looks like we won’t be seeing those asshats back in America for a while.

Fucking asshole!

Qatar is the most obnoxious example of nouveau-riche asshats on Earth. The royal family is on a neverending quest of self-aggrandizement.

And don’t come back! Persona Non Grata. The State Department should issue a protest to the royal asshats running that sand dune of a nation, and never let him or his family ever return.

Bye!! Never come back. Way to make yourself stand out above all douchebags in douchebag-Mecca (I love you Beverly Hills, but you know what you are and you don’t care).

Good get the fuck out. You’re lucky you’re rich you stupid fuck.

And a no-fly list probably doesn’t apply since in all likelihood they went off on a private plane.

It is amazing what you can get away with when you have metric shit-tons of money at your disposal.