I read that line and thought, “Oh, so they’re just going 100% all-in on the ‘woman as sexy baby’ trope, aren’t they?”
I read that line and thought, “Oh, so they’re just going 100% all-in on the ‘woman as sexy baby’ trope, aren’t they?”
Have you seen Park Chan-wook’s miniseries adaptation of The Little Drummer Girl from a few years ago? It’s the best le Carre adaptation since Alec Guinness’ Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. Park’s directorial style—every frame is a painting—complements le Carre’s sensibilities so well. Little Drummer Girl didn’t get as much…
I admire him for trying to host that week recently when he had covid, but it was for the best that he bowed out after one episode. He was clearly very ill when he recorded that one episode. You could just see that he was dragging.
It’s not revolutionary by any means, but it is well done. The charmlessness of Lamb is part of its charm. He’s grumpy but surprisingly effective and leading a group of MI-6 rejects. The first two seasons were well plotted and executed. It’s not le Carre or anything, but it’s a good time.
Never underestimate the power of confidence in a mediocre white man.
I don’t think so. Danny got exiled for sabotaging the exploratory drilling mission, in part because he wanted to kill of Ed, if I remember right. But I don’t think they ever had that moment where Danny was like, “Oh yeah, well I boned your wife!”
It was absolutely right to get rid of Jodi Balfour’s Ellen character on For All Mankind. It probably took too long. The president’s storyline was one of the ones that dragged down S3.
That’s the thing. I’ve seen some of his clips, and his work vacillates between be sophomoric and just kind of done. There’s no real *spark* there for me, which you get when a truly gifted comic is working a room. And I think it’s because ultimately his work is pretty shallow. He goes for the low-hanging fruit, whereas…
In theory, this works. In practice, not so much. For five years, we made beautiful salads—think mixed greens, green apples, walnuts, gorgonzola in a light vinaigrette—and nobody touched them. Salads become a Thanksgiving afterthought.
I think the selfless billionaire archetype would garner him a good amount of support.
Cane’s is exactly that. Fine. But I also just think it’s so limited in what it offers. I get the concept of doing one thing and doing it well. But it’s just...chicken fingers. I feel like they could do a bit more to broaden their offerings, particularly with regard to sauces. I wouldn’t mind them just having chicken…
I definitely could not spend 150 minutes looking at Phoenix’s single, dour expression and listening to his truly awful monotone delivery. And don’t even get me started on why Phoenix is the only one with an American accent while everyone else in this movie about a France uses a British one.
Yep. It’s basic defamation/libel law. You can’t lose a libel suit if what you wrote can be proven to be the truth. So if Media Matters has the picture of the ads next to antisemitic content, then case closed. Finding for the defendant.
Oh they were definitely setting up Elsa/Honeymaren in Frozen 2. So many queer vibes. I mean, let’s face it, Elsa has been queer coded from the get-go.
As was Moana.
It shows. It’s like they started writing the movie three different times, and when none of the three worked out, they just decided to mash them all together and call it a day.
I like that header image because I, too, always leave my arms at my side and just press my tits against someone I’m having slightly antagonistic, slightly sexy banter with. This is a totally natural way for humans to stand. Totally natural. Not weird at all.
Ugh. Why? I mean, I understand why ($$$). But still...Frozen is perhaps the most over-rated Disney franchise. And I say that as someone who loved Disney as a kid and who genuinely enjoys Disney’s animated movies most of the time as an adult. I’ll admit that the music and songs in the first two Frozen movies are…
You’ve gotta check expiration dates on stuff at Homegoods and TJ Maxx. You can make interesting finds, but sometimes the stuff is this close to expiring.