
No, it does not. The actual language of the amendment is unchanged, and that is what people will be voting on. 

I think the two groups that worked together to craft the amendment had to really work to figure out how they were going to deal with fetal viability. I think they had to include some nod to fetal viability or the Republicans would have campaigned against it with all sorts of “Abortion rips a full-term baby to pieces”

It is much, much better than the “Dark Brandon” ad that Jezebel wrote about a few days ago. Much better. 

I’m with you on this one. Nonstick skillets are a must-have for college kids. Yeah, they may be rough with them, but those skillets don’t last for years anyway. The alternative is a carbon steel or aluminum one that will be harder to clean and is therefore more likely to be neglected. Most college kids are old

This. A major hospital by me just installed four chargers...for a building that probably has a few hundred employees going in and out each day, not to mention hundreds of patients. It’s better than nothing, but that’s not exactly the kind of accessible, large-scale infrastructure that coverts the masses into EV

It is also my understanding that this request is pretty pro forma in these big murder cases. Defendants almost always waive that right so that their defense team can have more time to prepare. And that is how it should be. His lawyers should have time. This is a huge case with so many moving parts; it would have been

I’m all for Democrats in general and Biden in particular being aggressive and courting voters from across the aisle. But jesus christ do they have to be so lame as they go about it? Objectively, this ad is lame. It looks cheap. It’s not catchy. Dark Brandon is stupid.

If you wouldn’t mind sharing, what version/model of the Stages bike do you have?

In a perfect world, the kiosks would work seamlessly for everybody every time. I have yet to encounter a fast food kiosk that was as efficient as walking up to the counter and telling the person what you want (waiting in line for the cashier notwithstanding, but that happens with kiosks, too). The kiosks tend to be

OK, granted. There are middle class condo and apartment HOAs. But let’s not kid ourselves here. That’s not what the OP was talking about, and the vast majority of HOAs in the United States cover upper middle class to affluent neighborhoods, which tend to be racially as well as socioeconomically segregated. They are,

Ugh. I’m so sorry for the women of Indiana. The only very small consolation that might be on the horizon for them is that Ohioans are (fingers crossed) gearing up to enshrine abortion rights in the state come November. If that happens, then 3 out of the 4 states that border Indiana will have much easier access to

If you can’t see the difference between a bunch of rich people organizing to protect their investments by telling other people what to do (because that’s what HOAs are/do) and labor organizing for better working conditions, then I don’t know what to tell you. You’ve completely lost the plot.

Yeah, the reality here is probably way more tangled than any of us can fathom (unless you’ve been partnered with a person with SMI before). I think there is a likely scenario where many of the accusations being leveled against both parties have a hint of truth to them. Spears could see Asghari as controlling and he

Now this is actually very useful advice.

A school district near me got a new superintendent, and he noticed a dynamic similar to the one you point out: the kids in high school AP/IB classes were overwhelmingly white, despite the district itself being one of the most racially balanced in the region. The problem was rooted in the elementary schools, where kids

Your first sentence is reason enough why I will never live in an HOA neighborhood. That’s not the kind of community involvement I want in my life. I cannot imagine devoting any kind of time or energy to policing how the rest of the neighborhood looks/behaves. You could not pay me enough money to spend any amount of my

Both times that Matchbox Twenty appeared in the Barbie movie, it got huge reactions from the crowd in the theaters I was in. It may have been the biggest laugh of the show. There was just something about that choice that was absolutely perfect and it resonated with so many women’s experience of being “played guitar

Whatever graphic designer put together that shitty “Never Back Down” logo needs to be taken out back and shot. Seriously. That is bad bad bad design. It’s unbalanced. If I had to look at it every day, it would give me a tic. 

The first couple of states that went did a huge service for the states to follow. They really did create a solid blueprint for subsequent states. So a state like Nebraska that needs to submit ballot language can model it on Ohio’s. And they can emulate the get out the vote campaign from Kansas. Hopefully all of these

Dances with Wolves and The Bodyguard were in the early 90s (1990 and 1992, respectively). That is absolutely not the period of his career that I was talking about. Yes, he was in-demand in the early 90s, but after Waterworld, his career falls off a cliff. The films that follow are either middling or bad. The Postman