
Yeah, Barbie was my first movie back since the pandemic. I hadn’t been consciously holding out, it’s just that nothing appealed to me enough to go out and see it right away. I think the last thing I saw in theaters was Knives Out in the winter of 2019.

+10 Taskmaster reference

I also wish press would stop characterizing him as a “wiz” who “lorded over” a multi-billion dollar crypto empire. That seems factually inaccurate to me. Something like: “A disgraced CEO whose crypto company was revealed to be a complete house of cards” sounds more accurate to me.

Did you see DeWine’s interview two days ago, when he said that he thinks, “Now is the time for compromise”? Basically, he said he thinks that between now and November, the legislature and the abortion rights movement should come together and fucking compromise on abortion regulations (read: BANS) that “the majority”

If you’re in Ohio, Hot Head burritos is better than either of them.

I know that was a ton of work, but I am just sitting over here being insanely jealous of all your Hatch chiles. So, so jealous. 

I kind of assume (and thought everyone else did, too) that 98% of celeb instagram content is professionally photographed. Either they’re all doing it, or they all happen to have friends nearby all the time who are excellent at taking and editing photographs. 

I think he was basically saying, yes, that they didn’t have enough time to sell voters on the idea. And at the same time, paradoxically, that he wishes they would have tried to put this on a May ballot, giving voters even less time to educate themselves on the issue.

I lived in adjacent Hancock county for a few (agonizing) years. Hancock is also a Republican cesspool. I’m glad I got out of there before Trump, because it was unbearable even then. I can’t imagine how much worse it has gotten after Trumpism took hold. 

It’s a solid result and I’m very, very happy. But it is not the resounding defeat for Republicans that the original post proclaimed (The Ohio Senate president already said last night that they’re going to revisit this statewide issue again soon (and I’m paraphrasing here) “when they can run a proper campaign to

I read your comment and then I made a little bet with myself over whether I could guess which county was that red. I thought Putnam or Paulding. Then I checked with the NY Times and sure enough, those fuckers in Putnam were once again willing to cut of their nose to spite their face.

Within minutes of the vote being called last night, the Republican head of the Ohio State Senate basically said, “Don’t worry, this issue will be back on the ballot again some time soon.” Because these fuckers won’t stop until they’ve rigged for themselves an ironclad grip on the levers of power in the state in

I understand that (as I was, in a past life, a reporter who covered nationwide and statewide elections). But you never report percentages until the tally is done, and that’s what happened in the initial post. It ran with the lede that the measure went down by a 70/30 split, and that’s bad election journalism. Rinkunas

Yes! Onward!

You’re a bit early on this, Susan. The 70/30 ratio won’t hold, even if the result will. So you may want to do an edit (ha, like those happen around here). It’s a bit soon to call it an overwhelming victory when the results, when fully counted, will probably tighten up quite a bit. This is basic, 101 level election

It will tighten up a bit. Election HQ may have called it, but there’s still a lot left to to be counted. It’s already down to 66/34 on WaPo. Nobody else has called it but Election HQ, so I’m holding off a bit before I make any pronouncements. I’m still confident that the pro-choice/no votes will win. But it won’t be

You’ll probably need more signatures than that. In Ohio, we needed like 413,000 to put the abortion amendment on the ballot in November. The petition organizers told us their goal was to collect more than 700,000 signatures, which seemed like overkill to me, but whatever. They submitted petitions with more than

g’night! Looking forward to your response tomorrow.

It’s not that different to the situation you describe. We get that dynamic a lot in a particular subset of English/literature classes. Students bring in a lot of different assumptions about rigor and academic hierarchies in these situations. Lots of STEM students have been conditioned to devalue anything humanistic

Yeah, mine’s in a box somewhere, but I know I’ve still got it. It’s a handy little text, and visually very nice.