
Maybe. In fact I’d say it’s likely. But that doesn’t preclude Lewis from admitting just that and saying sorry and moving on (and encouraging others to move on). Instead, she’s claiming to be confused about the whole thing, and the Felicia Wennberg says Lewis still doesn’t really get the impact this has had on the

I made the same decision recently, partly for reasons of value and partly for reasons of practicality. Like you, I test drove a handful of EV models—but I was looking at used cars. Ultimately, I went with a used Niro hybrid (not plug-in). Why? Because the used EVs were still really expensive compared to other cars.

If the “alleged” LGBTQ content isn’t the problem, though, Variety does add that various other Barbie things have been banned in Saudi Arabia because of the way they depict Barbie herself, with the article presenting the theory that the Gerwig movie is “too camp while also posing too great a challenge to traditional

“Lewis apologized to Felicia, but also expressed confusion about where her frustrations are coming from months after Lewis first posted her TikToks about Wennberg.”

I think poke is a much harder sell in places east of Nevada than Hawaiian barbecue. Lots of people can’t get past the raw fish part (even if there are other, non raw protein options). I mean, I like sushi and I wasn’t really able to get behind the fast casual poke stuff that cropped up near me in the Midwest. There

This is unsurprising to me, because I’ve lived in so many places that had a disproportionate amount of Subway locations.

Yeah, they really are throwing everything at it, hoping that they can scare enough people by telling them that not passing issue 1 will allow a gay trans abortion doctor to break into your house and steal your guns while teaching your children about critical race theory. Knock on wood, but I don’t get the sense that

“We have worked hard to ensure that everyone feels safe and respected in our workplace.”

Seriously, this is my reaction every time I see his name in a headline:

I cannot fathom having the amount of faith in technology that so many people who use autonomous vehicles have. Like, my phone crapped out today, got no signal, in the middle of a suburb that I’ve lived and worked in for years without a problem. Tech is often amazing. And just as often it is fallible and glitchy. I

If Disney spent $100 million or more in marketing Haunted Mansion (and I’m sure they did), they need to ask for their money back. Because the advertising campaign was horrid and the trailer was one of the worst I’ve ever seen. And I don’t think they can blame the movie’s performance on the actors not being able to

And I genuinely believe that Haunted Mansion wouldn’t have done much better if it were a fall premiere. It is getting that widely panned. I saw previews for it before Barbie and it looked atrocious. Just horrible. One of the worst trailers I’ve ever seen. Disney didn’t even try to fool people about how terrible this

United’s Basic Economy restrictions are total bullshit. You’re right on that. I’ve basically stopped flying them because I like to travel but I’m definitely on a budget. If your basic economy doesn’t include a carry on, you can fuck right off. That basically only works for weekend trippers who go somewhere for two

When I was coaching college athletics, Holiday Inn Express was the only hotel we would use for our team. Why? Because they are remarkably consistent from location to location. You always knew that you would get a good baseline level of service and comfort. Of course, that was 15+ years ago when Holiday Inn Express was

That’s kind of how I saw it. And I almost think it was mostly about Gosling having decades of red carpet experience so he knows how quickly those photographs get taken. Having someone’s hand on your waist will ruin the line of the suit and look weird in the pictures. But he only had a split second to make that clear

One thing that I think has helped most of the major carriers is that they’ve finally started making full use of the technology at their disposal. In the past year, I’ve had flights delayed or cancelled with both Southwest and American. In both instances, I got a text well before I left for the airport notifying me of

So my general experience with the major carriers (Delta, United, American, and Southwest) is that they’re all pretty much a crap shoot. If you get a good customer service rep when something gets fucked up, you’ll be golden and have a good experience. If you get a person in the throes of a terrible, horrible, no good

I hear you about the knobs and buttons. I just bought a used 2020 Kia rather than a new 2023, and while price was the main consideration, a close second was that the 2020 still had buttons for the radio and climate control. It makes no sense to me to have these integrated into the touch screen where a driver cannot

I’m fairly certain that I, an atheist, would watch Baby Billy’s Bible Bonkers if it were hosted by the always delightful Walton Goggins. 

OMG THIS. This is all I want. I don’t want to open an app to fill up my car—lord knows the last thing I need/want is to be stranded at some charging station because an app is glitching. Automaters are shit at apps/technology. Just look at the absolute shambles of most car infotainment systems. Don’t complicate things.