
It’s so dumb. And half the time, the micro-managers aren’t even plugged in enough to their employees’s work product to see that many of the work from homers are being more productive than they were in the office. I took a remote job before the pandemic, so there has never been an expectation that I would go back into

$10/day is cheaper than my old commute, so yeah, not going in. 

After several months of enjoying Sunday evenings with Succession and/or Barry, my mother asked me what was coming up next on HBO Sundays. I showed her a trailer for The Idol. Her take: “Hard pass. That looks terrible. Can any of those people act?”

I love this on so many levels. 

Some thoughts:

Yeah, week zero is a good guardrail for me. Like any self-respecting academic, I am prone to procrastination. Week zero short-circuits my urge to put off course planning off until the day before the semester starts.

Same with pina coladas. There is a blender and a shaker version, and I would argue the shaker version, served over crushed ice, is superior. Blended versions tend to incorporate too much ice and dilute the flavors of the drink, imo.

Caveats: #1 Many schools offer free counseling, but with limits (ie: only four visits per semester/year, or only four visits and then it’s 60 days before you’re eligible for more visits). Check what this is so that you’re not surprised when you hit your limit. When you hit your limit, the school counselors will often

Eh, it’s decent advice for some contexts, particularly at the end of a trip. I took two spring break trips to Florida when I was in college, and the first time we went, we got stuck in traffic for hours getting out of Florida. The next year, we left our rental at 4 a.m. and by 8 a.m. we were past Savannah, GA. It

Everyone where I live waters their lawn in the middle of the goddamn day. It infuriates me. It’s so wasteful. When I worked in landscaping, we would advise our irrigation clients that their sprinkler system should be set to turn on in the early mornings (around 5 or 6 a.m.). Watering once the sun comes up basically

This. You can’t look at these results in a vacuum. You need to see the context. I worked in an office in 2019, and I went remote a few months before the pandemic. When I worked in an office, I would often eat lunch out because it let me leave the building, get some fresh air, and stretch my legs. 

I wonder how influential the WGA’s request was, given that it came so close to the vote (The linked Hollywood Reporter story notes that many shareholders would have already voted by the time the request was made). If anything, I would say maybe some shareholders used the strike as cover to vote against the

That’s basically what this whole slide show amounted to. Can you do a Roy spinoff with Rebecca and Keeley? Without the team and staff? Not really. Like, it would be weird to have a Keeley and Rebecca show about the women’s team and just never acknowledge the men’s side again.Each of these slides basically just amount

A lot of schools now are using what they call a “week zero” policy, where instructors have to have their syllabus done and posted in the LMS the week before classes start. When my school started doing it, faculty grumbled (so many of us were used to going down to the wire on our course preps). But I think it’s largely

Thanks! Both versions of my syllabus have a schedule with major due dates, so that’s covered. Since all of my assignments are submitted online, students can use the LMS to put due dates into their calendar and set reminders.

Never forget that Jezebel pitched Marianne Williamson as part of a Democratic Dream Team alongside wingnut Nina Turner. Like either one of those women were serious candidates for anything or capable of doing any kind of governing.

One way to remedy this (that I think most caterers/venues try to do) is to make the signature cocktail something that can be pre-mixed to a certain extent. I can’t remember exactly what my sisters’ signature cocktails were at their weddings, but I know that they had premade pitchers of the base, which was some

I never said it was impractical or that it didn’t have its purposes. Just that it’s not a luxury item and I wish we’d stop calling it such. 

Sometimes. Most of the time, maybe? It’s definitely gotten worse since covid. Lots of chronic absenteeism.

I subscribe to Vulture/NYMag, too, but every year I consider whether I truly need it. At $5/month, it’s a bit pricey for an online subscription that I don’t read every day. But usually they lure me back.