It was also a change that was necessitated by the format. Viewers can take the original Ted Lasso in commerical format—for 60 seconds at a time. That isn’t sustainable or enjoyable to watch in a longer format.
Yeah, it’s not good writing, nor is it particularly clever. Mostly, it’s just cringe.
No, you’re not wrong. The article lacks a basic understanding of both statistics and consumer behavior. It is 100% cheaper to make and eat your meals at home.
I mean, it was a terrible take and poor logic when this same Takeout writer floated this thesis the first time around in November. That time it was about eating out for Thanksgiving being cheaper than cooking and, uh, no it’s not. And now they’re trotting it back out again, and I find it just as unbelievable. Someone…
“How Dairy Queen gained customers without giving away free food”
And with some libraries’ e-book apps, if you request a book before it is published, you are among the first in line to check it out. I stopped buying books a few years ago when I moved/downsized and I realized I had hundreds of books in my last place. Not anymore. I keep the few books I feel attached to, but otherwise…
This is the way. If Anders tells me it’s too much of a hassle to deal with whole blanched almonds, I believe him. If it’s good enough for Anders, it’s good enough for me. I’ve used this recipe, and it tastes great and lasts in the fridge for 6-8 weeks no problem. And if you want it to last longer, add 1/2 oz of vodka…
The red carpet exchange struck me as much more of an “it’s loud and there are a bunch of people here, so I have to lean close to you and gesture so that you know where I’m going and where I’ll meet you” sort of conversation.
No, you’re right. Research has shown that most people maintain eye contact for 3 seconds before they feel like they have to break off. People who experience eye contact for longer than that often feel creeped out. That said, I still like the idea of a setup where I don’t have to constantly be staring up to “make eye…
West Virginia has infrastructure? I lived there for seven years. It barely has roads.
Also of note: The August election will be Ohio’s first under stricter voter ID laws, which Republicans passed and the governor signed despite there being absolutely no evidence of significant voter fraud in Ohio. So they’re also counting on this to decrease the number of people who can cast a vote in August.
Yep. Brown is a good man, and he’s the rare Ohio Democrat who has managed to maintain his support among rural white voters. But he’s in for the fight of his political life in 2024.
Everyone needs to take note of this, whether you live in Ohio or not, because if Republicans control your state legislatures--now or in the future--they will be trying to enact this ASAP. They’re coming for your democracy, and I’m not being hyperbolic when I say that. They know they’re either in the minority or soon…
Exactly. There are so many reason to choose a weekly release format, not the least of which is that the binge watching model gives shows a shelf life of about 3 days. After that, no one is talking about it anymore. Netflix poured a ton of money into Queen Charlotte, and it was a thing people talked about for a few…
I just checked and it’s on my “do not recycle” list too.
I really don’t think there exists a person that Trump won’t talk over and just bluster his way through. I know someone else mentioned Stewart, but part of what makes Stewart effective is that he can methodically pull apart an argument. Trump won’t give him the time to do that. He’ll just rush right through him.
I know, that’s basically the point I was making. With their struggles to keep subscribers over the last few years, you would think that Netflix would look at that strategy, compare it to HBO’s and think, “Maybe we’re fucking this up by dumping an entire season’s worth of content in one fell swoop.” But they don’t…
That is one thing that HBO has been very, very good at in recent years. They ramp up something good just as another tentpole is winding down. Recently, you’ve had The Last of Us overlap with Perry Mason which ended as Succession and Barry ramped up. And now those will end as Gemstones comes back. HBO knows how to use…
In the almost eight years that Trump has been in the political arena, the media has learned next to nothing about how to cover him. They continue to embarrass themselves in ways that actively hurt American democracy.