
This. She cannot say she’s “trying to lead” on this subject if she’s not 100% on board with voting for a bill that would legalize abortion nationwide. If she’s not going to get on board with that, then she’s not leading. She’s just trying to have it both ways and sit on both sides of the issue. Basically, she wants a

I had the same experience a few months ago at Moulin Rouge. Two assholes directly behind me sang Every. Damn. Word. of every pop song in the show. Multiple people told them to shut up. It made no difference. It honestly ruined the show for me because you could never focus on the performances on stage because Becky and

Among other things, they’re coming for the morning after pill next, mark my words. Iowa just announced yesterday that they’re no longer providing the morning after pill free of charge to sexual assault victims.

“The sale price of the car must not be more than $25,000...But none of the restrictions are too off the wall”

To be clear, I do think that having girls undergo a genital exam in order to verify their gender is batshit insane and unethical and horrible. There is a legitimate medical reason for the hernial exam, and even that shouldn’t be in the sports physical. In no way, shape, or form should girls have to show their genitals

In my experience (as a HS and college coach and athletics administrator), the hernia check largely went away in the late 90s to early 2000s. In most places I’ve worked, the check was replaced by a question on the medical history form regarding groin pain or a bulge in the testes. If the subject answers yes, then an

Yeah, those sports physicals basically take a medical history, check for scoliosis, and listen to your heart and lungs. They basically check to make sure you don’t have a heart/lung condition that might cause you to drop dead during physical activity. Everybody keeps their clothes on. Absolutely no parent should allow

Aside from the obvious horribleness of all of this: Can we pause for a moment to consider the batshit insanity of that painting? Can we please? Because it is just peak arrogant rich man. And the result is hilarious. What is with the muscular Native American statue? All of these dudes knew they were going to be in a

I mean, what did she think was going to happen? That Roe was going to fall and Republicans were just going to go, “Yay! We won! Nothing more to do here! Let’s all go home and be happy with that result.” The whole point of overturning Roe was so that they could enact these draconian laws, which have always been

I’ve honestly cut down on both my eating out and my takeaway orders because of tipping fatigue. Don’t get me wrong: I’ll always tip and tip well for sit-down service. But prices at sit-down restaurants around me have gotten bonkers. The pasta and pizza place that my sister and I like now charges $35 for carbonara and

This is me, too. And PoS tipping is getting to be so pervasive that I’ve really had to steel my resolve. I think I’m going to start carrying more cash so that I can do like another commenter said and just pay cash to bypass the PoS asking about putting a tip on a card. I’m fine with tipping for service in situations

Well, good luck with that. I think by now most people have realized that milk is not the superfood that the “Got Milk” campaign made it out to be. I can’t think of a single one of my friends who gives their kid diary milk the way my parents did in the 80s and 90s. Almost 70% of the adult population has at least some

I remember laughing out loud when I got my FAFSA back in the late 90s. I’ve got two siblings, and my dad worked a union job and was making probably $70,000. Granted, that was a solid middle class income in my region. But the expected family contribution from the FAFSA was $18,000/year. How exactly can you expect a

It’s infuriating, but I have to have my dad do this one for me. Whenever I (a woman) have called Sirius and tried to ask to maintain my cheapo rate, they’ve balked and given me the run around. If I then wait 5 minutes and have my dad call them, he gets the discount right away.

This works for the Washington Post as well. They have a teaser rate of $40/year for new subscribers, but then it jumps to like $120/year after that. When I threaten to cancel, it always asks me for the reason and when I say too expensive, they ask me if I want to continue at $40. Why yes, yes I do.

You can also add this boundary in a response to a broad question. What is my favorite TV show?

I get Hulu this way every year. They always run a $2/month deal around Black Friday and New Year’s Day. Every Black Friday, I cancel my current subscription and restart an old subscription in my mom’s name. The next year, I cancel mom’s subscription and restart my old one. 

It used to be so much easier. There were 3 main players: Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon. You could keep track of what was coming on each of those. Now you have to exert some considerable effort to keep up with what is premiering across so many more platforms. My parents would never find anything to watch if I didn’t throw

Marvelous Ms. Maisel was a considerable hit with the public and critics when it came out. To me, subsequent seasons haven’t lived up to its promise, but it was apparently good enough for Amazon to sink some money into multiple seasons. 

I called bullshit on that from the beginning. I am an academic, and one day I dearly hope to be employed as something other than an adjunct. But even for my adjunct-level jobs, I’ve been thoroughly questioned about my research interests, my publications, and my previous teaching experience. I’ve had to provide writing