Get a load of the uncanny terror of THESE Simpsons fan character images!
Get a load of the uncanny terror of THESE Simpsons fan character images!
Hmmm...some stuff about old houses, a pop-top Element, AND dick-shaming all in the same article?! Aw-right!
Then they can stay late to make up the hours of work they missed.
Slog?! That was one of the funnest games ever.
Apparently I’m the only one who saw Lowry try to tea-bag Simmons and Simmons reacts somewhat appropriately. I _do_ like the look that Simmons gives, like a kid punching a sibling and looking to see if mom saw it.
Probably just more DARPA shit. This video is from over 10 years ago and is public knowledge. Imagine what secret shit they are testing now.
If you don’t like the rules, change ‘em! He does it with the Pats, why not state law?
Oh, Utah! You so racist!
Came for Neymar comment, only slightly disappointed.
Gotcha beat...Live in Paris 1970. So. EPIC!
Highly under-rated comment...
I wonder how many of these were by our President?
Are they playing this before Patriots’ games or what?
F-Stoppers did a segment on this exact fallacy:
So white power just comes with the territory, then?
He really put the kow in Janikowski on that ass-play. Seriously, fuck Janikowski! I hope this puts a nail in the coffin of his time as a Seahawk.
Wasn’t David his porn star affair code name? Maybe they are just referencing that.
My money’s still on the Seattle Gridlocks
His posture is worse than my man Jimmy, but Jimmy’s 94 fuckin’ years old!