That would be awesome
That would be awesome
I’m really digging the “Aw fuck it, send” vibe here, and some have said they prefer SS’s VW ripoff to the upcoming
This will sell overwhelmingly to fleets and Uber drivers.
There will be. GM has bought back thousands and won’t be able to sell them until the battery packs have been replaced. You’ll see, by summer next year there will be a ton of used Bolts with new battery packs on the market.
Was going to respond that Toyota doesn’t do “quirky” anymore until I remembered they make the C-HR.
One might argue this is a little sensational. The real bad news was the battery defect and this is just another step along the road to addressing that.
This fills a bit of a gap in Toyota’s lineup. I’d call it the spiritual successor to the old Tercel 4WD wagon and the Corolla All-Trac. Maybe the Matrix for good measure. More “car” than “crossover”. God bless ‘em for that.
I don’t condone death threats, but I can understand the fear and frustration that takes people there. There are lots of people who have based entire careers on ICE performance cars in one way or another, and the switch to EVs is a massive disruption.
But “cleaner and faster” ultimately IS better, if only because it’s sustainable. We can still have our thrills, and we don’t have to feel guilty about it.
The whole thing is just jaw-droppingly stupid.
In this weird bizarro world, this is one of the most desirable cars on the road right now. I like your assessment, that they have zero expectation of a customer actually paying anything like this, but they want to keep the car in stock for a while because it gives them leverage with both potential customers and other…
What, you don’t think Musk could buy himself the required constitutional amendment if he wanted?
This may be the stupidest waste of money on a vehicle I’ve ever seen. Widening it that much actually compromises its utility as an overlander.
Dumb? Maybe. STILL better than alphabet soup.
I love Xanadu. Unironically.
See, I’d like to make the case that Xanadu isn’t “bad” at all.
I’m going to go a marginal NP on this, since the work appears to be decent quality and doesn’t spoil the car. At that price, if you have to wind up dropping in a rebuilt motor it’s not the end of the world.
Got a deposit on a Bolt EUV, once Chev starts building them again.
After following EVs closely, I’ve come to understand that larger vehicles actually make more sense for electrification than small ones. On a small car, the battery represents too much of the weight in proportion, and has to be scaled down. There’s kind of a weight/size death spiral and right now anything much smaller…
The charging infrastructure is literally improving daily.