Free Market Party Company

As logical as this is, I still take issue with it. Any driver that hits this rock is approaching from at least a short distance, and it’s not unreasonable to assume the drivers in question at least had the opportunity to see the rock before drawing alongside it.

No collector value, but cosmetically nice. Greatest value would be for a fleet of cars for period movies, but this price is pretty high, especially since there is some rust-through.

Isn’t that pretty much ANY dentist’s chair?

“Wriggly tin” is at once whimsical and accurate.

EASILY the best TR knock-off I’ve ever seen. Still wouldn’t touch it with a 10' pole.

<shrugs> Color’s nice, flames are tasteful. I wouldn’t have picked those wheels but they’re not awful.

I’m gonna swim against the current and say NP.

We just need to be more creative with carbon in general. These are great approaches, and eventually we’ll reach a circular carbon market. If we survive the disruption of climate change.

I personally love these but they’re not especially desirable at all and I’d be pretty skeptical there’s even much of a collector community. It’s hard to imagine one of these justifying 8 large under any conditions.

I don’t know why GM never offered an ATS convertible. That should have been a slam-dunk.

I’m looking forward to this. Really. But...

Also: Ewwwww

What you did there, I see it.

That is awesome, actually.

Ford is showing Mustang logos on its own teasers, so it looks like we’re going to see that at the very least.

Jags are almost automatic CP, though post-2000 ones are better than average. It’s a nice-looking cruiser that will turn heads and seems in decent shape. So long as you don’t depend on it for frequent cross-country trips you should be okay. NP.

If the frame is decent, NP. And there’s LOTS you can do to that 302... this would make the most awesome retro-sleeper.

From the comments it appears that a lot of people don’t get this car at all.

Anyway, GT4 aside I’d buy a Cayman instead, anyway. Slower in a straight line, sure, but still super quick, and you can get it with the right number of pedals and it won’t be programmed for maximum understeer straight out of the box.

MANY of these are going to end up as Uber X cars, I suspect.