Free Market Party Company

In a TON of cases even when you “special order” a particular config, 99 times out of 100 the dealer will locate that vehicle from someone else’s stock and trade it.

I’m inclined to agree this is one of Ford’s nicest looking designs (and WAY better than the bulbous 1st gen). Not bad shape, but nothing really special, either. Marginal CP.

I don’t even care about more power, but a convertible would honestly be amazing. Yes, I’d like something SLIGHTLY bigger than a Miata.

It’s stretching it, but I’m going NP on this one. This gen of Camry was excellent and this is a very interesting variant (particularly with the 3rd seat). Miles are high, sure, but it seems well-kept.

As someone who doesn’t have a personal connection to Duca, I’ll validate this.

Only if you’re prepared to keep it under a tarp.

Doug is not very videogenic, and his voice isn’t great.

I’ve always had a soft spot for Leno.

Dear God, the food truck you could build out of this...

My burning question: There’s still snow in California?

An old car this heavily modified would normally be an automatic CP from me, but this one seems uncommonly well-done.

There’s few distinctions of importance between this and the 3. One might even argue they should have dispensed with the 3 and just gone straight to the Y in the first place.

Frankly, this is AMAZING, and incredibly futuristic for 1965. I’d say it looks like an early design study for what would become the Porsche 914.

Oops. Thanks :-)

Tight, but I’d hit it. NP.

My mom had one of these, a rare ‘63 that wasn’t even a Nash nameplate (it was branded an “American Motors Metropolitan”). One of the first cars I ever drove, too. Mind you, the Lucas electrics were shit, but god, those things were cute.

Nope, just the Sorrento.

“Cool as hell” is a bit of an overstatement, but I’d take this over a Tesla. And I like the interior.

Since I have a set-top box from the cable company I don’t need a tuner anyway. Bring it on!

Since I have a set-top box from the cable company I don’t need a tuner anyway. Bring it on!

Knock a grand off and talk to me then.