Yup, came for this. Not disappointed.
Yup, came for this. Not disappointed.
I really wish one of the automakers would just BUILD something like this.
They don’t mean a goddamn thing with that massive B-pillar.
The thing with EcoBoosts is you can have “Eco”, and you can have “Boost”. You just can’t have them both at the same time.
Honestly, I’m fine with sensors and cameras.
The divots in the bottom of the grille make it look gap-toothed, so I don’t know why the hell they did that. It is, fortunately, a minor thing and not quite as dumb-looking as the Fisker “moustache”.
With blind spot alerts and rear cameras that’s not the issue it used to be.
As obvious as that sounds, it’s a great point
The Conti is (arguably) a more usable car. And while it might not display the same kind of intensity as an Aston or a McLaren, it’s friendlier, too. More of a party car, if you will.
What I REALLY liked about the original Altima was the size. It slotted nicely between mid-size (say, the Honda Accord which had already begun to grow considerably from its original dimensions) and compacts like the Sentra.
TIL that “greebling” is a thing. Awesome.
Great conversion, great shape, cool provenance, generally pretty impressive.
That’s mean (but likely accurate)
Always liked the Fuego, and the style still holds up. That had to be just about the last Renault-branded car in North America, n’est pas?
Guessing yours is a few years old, since Sube hasn’t had a 5-door WRX in their lineup for a few years now...
I get the appeal. I know tons of people who saw this and loved it. Sadly, I can’t share in that.
The styling on these has actually held up well. Good proportions, good execution of the retro cues. I always did kinda dig these cars.
The big question for me: if both the “baby” Bronco and the Escape are both built off the Focus platform, how does Ford differentiate them in their lineup? If I had to pick one or the other it would be the Bronco in a heartbeat.
I actually quite like the 348 from a design standpoint. I like it even better than the (somewhat) iconic Testarossa.