thunderbae (a straight shooter, respected on all sides)

You know how we were drilled repeatedly with the “look both ways before crossing the street” thing? And now whenever you attempt to cross a street your body/brain involuntarily forces you to look both ways? (okay, drunk people’s brains work differently but that’s a different topic)

.... until one of them has a disease requiring stem cell research.....

Yes! Emily perseveres. And Emily’s best friend, Ilse, is more interesting than Diana is in every way. Sooo, yeah. Adapt it, somebody!

SCROTUS = So-Called Ruler of the United States

oh god. love me some good ankle

I hope he gets primaried—especially by Evan McMullin. I will gladly donate to his challenger. Chaffetz is a spineless political opportunist and a coward.

I love the Politico article that says he has been surprised that government cant be run like his business

I love Anne Shirley as much as the next woman raised on the series but can I get one decent adaptation of Emily of New Moon? Please? Come on, Canada, hook me up.

That number is way more than the $12-15 billion estimate that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell cited in January and double the estimated $10 billion that Trump himself stated.

Many, many countless men have run for the Presidency in our country’s history and lost, yet more men — and sometimes those same men — never hesitate to throw their hat in the ring 4 years later. The idea that one woman coming close and losing means no women can run for POTUS until the country magically becomes

SO fucked up. I worked closely with a professor who is a leading expert in the topic when I was in grad school and the amount of info I learned was astounding-I didn’t even realize that something like this existed until Ferguson happened :/  

Now playing

Still one of the best John Oliver segments, even though it’s over two years old:

Yeah watching Keith Ellison on the Daily Show last night saying Dems should have campaigned in WI, I had to narrow my eyes a little. I live in MN and grew up in WI, and Dems stand no chance there; if WI couldn’t get up the strength to recall Walker and shrugged at the voting ID laws in Milwaukee (quick, guess what WI

I have the same issue with my father and it’s just . . . heartbreaking.

Then...why does he think anyone cares?

Sexual Person Wants To Get Laid: Film At Eleven

The chilling bit is that if Chomsky said it, it would be because he abhors murder, whereas Trump says it like a verbal shrug. It’s as if he expects to be dabbling in a bit of murder himself quite shortly.

He looks like if my grandma was in Jane’s Addiction.

He looks like he just stepped out of a 1988 try-out for Guns n’ Roses after failing to nail the Sweet Child solo.

Think of the time he spent “perfecting” that look. That’s what always kills me!

He looks like the clog of hair my husband has to dig out of the shower drain every couple of months.