I LITERALLY IRL know one of Rob Lowe’s former assistants who lives here in Santa Barbara and I can guarantee none of that sounds true, she basically had nothing but good things to say and she insists that she was treated like family for the years she worked with him.
He looks like the manifestation of Lovecraft’s racial politics
You dumb moon! Don’t you know it’s night?!
I have a friend who is a personal assistant for a major Hollywood actor. She has worked for this actor for 25 years, and they couldn’t pay her enough. The amount of work she does—particularly scheduling work, which always happens at the last minute—is insane. She spends weeks away from home traveling with her client…
Getting a write up like that from Donald Sutherland is like getting a write up from God.
She didn’t smile enough! She smiled too much! She was too aloof! We can’t have a beer with her! She doesn’t eat KFC!
She was also shrill!
+1 banana stand
Amazon’s back at it again with another Prime Pantry promotion, and this time around, they’re celebrating Chinese New…
Every time there is an opportunity to lay bare his incompetence and fundamental indecency, and to point out the behavior rendering him unsuitable for public office, I will do it.
I also lost my home in the “housing crisis.” I had lost my job the previous year. I haven’t been able to afford healthcare since. Because I live in a red state I haven’t even had the opportunity to have any choice in the matter. We all knew the republicans didn’t give a shit about helping the poorest Americans and…
It’s like I wrote that myself. My parents lost everything during the financial crisis. They finally have decent health insurance which they both desperately need. This is no exaggeration but a certainty, my mother will die quickly if this is taken away.
Before you get too angry, realize this really isn’t a vote for removing ACA, it’s a vote to lay the ground work to start removing ACA. There’s still time to stop the run away train (in theory). Basically they’re creating a budget framework which is really only something Congress gives itself to help plan what…
So succinct, and yet, all that needs to be said.
my (muslim) mom loves my fiance, but she heard riz ahmed rap on the hamtilon mixtape and saw him in rogue one and promptly suggested i marry him instead. RIZ YOU MY FAVE.