thunderbae (a straight shooter, respected on all sides)

From the way sone of these commenters are freaking out, i thought lakeith had snatched the mike out of lasally’s hand, slobbed on leslie mann, and took a shit on stage.

The people who,lived in my place before me never forwarded their mail, and while it’s mostly annoying, I do now get Teen Vogue. I have been really impressed with it, not just single articles like this but the overall themes of educated women, successful women, and young people who are making a real difference in the

My father and his side of the family are Jewish, which connects us to a long history of battling anti-Semitism (and from what we surmise, not always winning). This does not change the fact that I agree with you. To conflate critiques of Israel’s government with anti-Semitism is myopic at best, and in reality puts

I want her entire wardrobe. Mod Cloth needs to hop on a partnership with Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, like, yesterday.

It is SUCH a great show.

I never ever comment here and only lurk, but this show consistently amazes me with its brilliance, and I need to share that with people who understand. The songs are just so, so good. The characters are so complex. I have been trying to get everyone in my friend/co-worker/family circle to watch to no avail, so now

Andrew Garfield as Spidey was more believe than Tobey. Also, I need to post this:

In my fanfic he does.

Well, not as a lawyer, anyhow...

When will white women with long dyed blonde hair denounce the hateful rhetoric of people like Conway, Lahren, et al? They’ve had so much negative representation in the media lately. Surely, bleach blondes object to the foxy stereotype and want to repair their image.


That’s p-w-n-e-d, owned.

I heard the news and my mother immediately exclaimed “What the fuck do they want with him? He can’t even spell.”

The whitest man in America. Mayonnaise on white bread white.

Alas, they’ve already picked a Secretary of Education.

YES. Can we please have a Lovett appreciation thread? That man is the funniest and best, and I could listen to his rants for DAYS.

That was super annoying (I loved the rest of the episode though, especially Roxane Gay). Whether they like it or not, they encouraged people in “safe” blue states to vote Green. Turns out safe blue states aren’t so safe, like Michigan and Wisconsin where those Green votes fucked it up. People are allowed to be mad at

Aww, I liked the Mother Jones piece. I thought it was a really thorough discussion of what a hypocritical racist creep Richard Spencer is and how closely his creepy, racist ideology is aligned with Trump’s creepy, racist ideology. (Link here if anyone wants to read it.)

i feel like he goes on these sorts of “breaks” (i don’t know what to call them) pretty regularly. it seems very cyclical and purposeful.