Was Gigi Hadid’s Melania Trump impression “racist”?
Was Gigi Hadid’s Melania Trump impression “racist”?
I’m into Tapper as well, yep.
You are a legend!
Kris Jenner was in the delivery room when Chyna gave birth, but Chyna “ignored” her.
During the 3rd debate Trump plainly said that he just didn’t believe the 17 agencies that believed that Russia was behind these hacks. At this point even Wallace stopped in to admit that “top national secuirty officials of this country do believe that Russia has been behind these attacks.”
this is what happens when help is not available.
Please, please, please, let the Trump-Pence administration’s first full scale scandal... be the contents of leaked emails.
My stomach dropped. This is only going to get exponentially worse. I think back alley abortions are already on the rise in those states that do not have adequate services. Having women travel for a simple procedure, especially ones that are already challenged by economic insecurity, is egregious. BRB gonna donate to…
Yes and I wanna make it clearer that obv white women can be sexist while preserving the male status quo. not ignoring that all these things are linked. Just as far as the main demon...white male supremacy drives it all
Nope! Voted for Hillary in the primary too.
I find it odd that the people who were “family values”/“kids belong with their natural parents” types did not want Elian Gonzalez to go back to live with his father, solely because the child would be living in Cuba. Unless the father was an unfit parent—and living in a communist nation does not make one unfit—Gonzalez…
reality show vet Tiffany Pollard
I’m just through. I’m tired of the commercials, the dumbass fathers who claim that HILLARY is to blame (somehow!); Trumpy and his pussy grabbing, reporter bullying, and breathing air; the commercials that do nothing but make me NOT want to buy a TV ever again; the media’s constant sucking on Trumpy’s microscopic dick;…
Now just imagine this man in a position of actual power. American freedom of the press: July 4, 1776 - January 20, 2017. It’s been a good run.
Agreed; it’s simply poor form. Worse than double dipping chips at a party, but not as bad as white pants after Labor Day.
The Prestige TV Show Hot Take Economy is extremely bad and dumb, but so is arguing that the way that we talk about and depict our world in fiction is irrelevant and not worth talking about in general. Granted that many people do it in a way that is stupid and wearying - that doesn’t invalidate the broader principle…