The driverless Bolt has no brakes?
The driverless Bolt has no brakes?
Imho the ELR was too much show pony and not enough tech. It was hampered in looks by having to be built on the same platform as the Volt leaving it with a squarish proportion that did not do justice to the potential the shape could have delivered. Secondly Caddy should have delivered a big upgrade in the tech, the…
cmon man! “motoRcross”?
I can kind of understand why they did it. They are just going to frigging fast. It is a problem throughout much of racing these days. I’m not nearly as interested in this race now that it is completely paved anyway. I entered and was accepted back in the early 2000s to go up the hill on my 450cc MX bike when it still…
I’ve seen it plenty of times in the good old days at the MX track. Some guys can just fly when they are high. But this doesn’t mean it works for everyone. I know some who ride better with a beer or two in them. The first requirement though is that you are a damn good rider to begin with.
Figures the first post would be by some troll. Supercross, Motocross (both the American Nationals and MXGP) are easily the best racing series in the world. Yes the presentation is bombastic and a little over the top but the actual athletes and competition are second to none in any sport.
Superior in what way? Have you tested both? Besides your not comparing the right RZR to this, the RZR Turbo is $25,000. This Yamaha is much closer in specs to the RZR 1000eps. Also Yamaha’s motors are usually overbuilt and can easily handle a little boost. This thing looks awesome and the sequential trans would easily…