
Naga and DeathAdder both have lefthanded versions, to point at your first sentiment.

Yeah, in a lot of places the only people people know are people they work with... I always found that strange.

Naga lets you skip the keypad. It's also my go-to, aside from my wearable gear (Sixth Sense + Chordite)

Or, ya know, take full control of your own tech, update to linux, ditch the outdated smartphone for a wearable, use one filesystem and OS base for everyone, and have a better setup than 90+% of people in the job market...

I'm going to go with "didn't read", considering it's a huge change that's meant to be permanent.

I've made this statement before, and I've actually had people say "But without guns, how can we fight back against the government?"... really?

I take naps, but that's my sleep schedule (5.5/1/25 or so, main-sleep, nap, waking... has been as long as I can remember).

Yeah, this led to my mom not talking to me for a few years... because she was a die-hard atkins-dogma type, while I don't care about my intake (Extremely high metabolism, highly active, eat-for-enjoyment type), she was always passive-aggressively bitching that I was poisoning myself. When I brought up her smoking

Yeah, PSO had a more robust character creation than WoW (Something of note at the time).

In the US. Check privacy laws and laws governing the recording of public officials.

Gamers, those people who tend to have a mastery over games, technology, computers, and the like? somewhat related, in culture and knowledge, to hackers?