
does this mean I can cancel my contract without paying an early termination fee?

ooh la la!!

why would you assume he is in the 1%? cause he has a JOB?!?!

Another big THANK YOU to Steve Jobs!!!

just call it what it really is....... Shit in a Box

You just got Served!!!

that is like saying your 3 year old computer, built to run XP, runs terribly slow when you load windows 8 on it. if you dont like the way your device runs a particular OS then dont load the OS!!! A 3G running i0S3 works great. Apple is the ONLY company that is building the phone AND writing the software to optimize

Dr. Dre puts them on your head...... Chris Brown SLAPS them off!

one of the bigest problems that Palm had was hardware. the last phones that they put out on the market were battery hog's. one of my coworkers had one and he had to have the thing plugged in constantly. then HP took over, used the same hardware for the phone and built a mediocre tablet. When they couldnt make the

now we can start work on a "morning before gay sex" pill.

cocane is a helluva drug!!!

too bad its a sharp! i wouldnt buy one of their TV's to save my life!

maybe time on a dyno is too expencive. or it could be the fact that the number is really low and they dont want people to scoff at them.

Facebook is taking over the Internets!!!

Just taking a guess.

Is application intergration into the core of any mobile platform somthing we (the consumer) really want? It remides me of the days when Microsoft came out with Internet Explorer. It takes away the freedom of choice, not saying that I AM or WILL EVER use google+ but that is my choice. I dont want it baked into my OS so

would the exsaust smell of roasted coffee? Imagine the delight of driving down the freeway smelling coffee the whole way........

*cough* *cough*..... I think I got the Black Lung.... *cough*

no Reverse Osmosis?!?! that is kinda surprising.

*OR "ways to tell your wife you are steril"