
I believe @Jangoforhire was commenting on the fact that someone took a picture of the ipad rather than a screenshot which would have looked a lot better.

from what I remember reading in the article written about the rouge spacecraft that NASA has no idea exsactly where or when it will hit, they gave a 1 in 3,200 chance of SOMEONE getting hit. BUT on a normal re-entry, which happens probably more than we would like to know about, the chances are more like 1 in 10,000.

Watch out where you shine that super bright flashlight!!! your making my heart flutter!!

Japan Just can not catch a break!!!

wow, it sounds as if there code names/version numbers are just as fragmented as there OS!

I thought the cure for HIV was surrounding yourself with copius ammounts of cash!

ahh desserts and alfabetical... makes more sense, but still a silly name IMHO.

what if dell purchased webOS?!? just a thought

am I alone in thinking that the name "Ice Cream Sandwich" is THE stupidest name for an OS in history?!?

Who cares!! Facebook is better on a full web page anyway. Why would you want to restrict yourself with an app??

@Acemonster, Thats 500W total!! NOT per channel. sooo.... 500W - 165 for the sub leaves 67W per channel for the sattilites. Hence A SHITTY system for your living room!

@Opie-Von-Kannoli, Agreed!!

If you put these speakers anywhere BUT hooked up to your computer, YOU ARE A GEEK!!!

IMHO, Tech upgrades have made a major impact on television purchases. BUT HD was available for a pretty long time before it became a popular choice and really took off. Some people, even today, don't see the value in HD. To some people the content of the program is more important than the quality of the picture. This

But you still cannot talk on the phone and surf the web, or utilize other data consuming apps at the same time.

"The massive drill machine dubbed "Sissi" blasted through the last six feet of rock this morning, amidst cheers, fireworks, and trumpets"

Google wants to send a robot to the moon? Does this mean we are going to have Google Moon too? with street view and everything?!?!

@Timmy: What about a Beta-Max cassette?

Im just surprised someone took pictures of Asians without them flashing the peace sign.....

hopefully NASA has a few servers at twitter dedicated to warning us of impending Asteroids!!