
I think jaden Smith would make a fine Spiderman. Not sure why you have so much hate towards him.... is it a racial thing?

You really don’t want to know what he does with it behind closed doors....

Those e-cig vapor televangelist types are more annoying than vegans or gym rats. Hope they all get throat cancer from some unknown carcinogen hidden deep in that e-juice shit.

“Is there a sign that says ‘dead wookie storage’?”


Damn it..... I have a son I named “Wookie” (honestly, it’s on his birth certificate, would have snapped a picture of it if I knew of this contest sooner)

Just as long as there are no more “Spationauts” those guys are pricks.

Gay hipsters + smartphones + skinny jeans.... there ought to be a law against it.

Been napping long?

All I got from the series is the anti-military vibe from it all.... I’ll likely not be watching season 2......

Advocating violence towards law enforcement huh?

In reality that kid would be a liability. He’d get used as a decoy to allow the larger group to escape in a heartbeat.

can’t even compare the two.... there were not enough product placements in the martian.

Well it’s not like the martian potatoes were “kosher” smh.... typical gentiles....

With a transgendered, handicapped cyborg monkey with multiple personalities from a 3rd world country. Gotta go after all demographics.

Is that the actor who played Rusty in Lampoons Vegas Vacation?

It’s funny... I never have any issues with my commute. I simple place my nickle plated desert eagle on my dashboard and traffic magically parts and gets out of my way. My 60 mile round trip commute is surprisingly stress free.

DC is bad enough without having to live around “brown” people.