
A someone who lives off of the dragons tail.... after reading this, I plan on being that weaving old guy in the civic next time... just to irritate you leftist turds.

Yup.... just like all those idiots that voted obama into office.

Well, it’s no longer your own private idaho.

Did you eat alot of paint chips as a kid by chance?

You’ll see plenty on Oct. 31st. Just stand by your front door passing out candy.

People go to such things to escape daily life... but that bastard has to inject his politics into it. Ruin the day thanks.....

I already have one...

Sounds like a bad made for SyFy movie if you ask me.

Do you want the easy answer or the condesending one?

Does taking my coffee black with a dash sriracha make me odd?

Rub it in why don’t you?

Just like the state, full of idiots and STD’s. Fucking hate florida.

The color book wasn’t bad, but the pop-up book is a waste of time.

Krasukha-4 huh? Wasn’t aware ISIS had anything in low earth orbit or anything such a system as the Krasukha-4 would be needed to combat. Something nasty is about to occur in Syria. Got your fallout bunker dug yet?

Didn’t you know? Randstad has a whole staffing firm dedicated to “temp babies”

Someone quit taking their meds...

You probabaly liked this design too. Hot dog shaped car.... pfft.

Quit eating at those shitholes years ago....

Definately fake. My GoPro always lands with the lens facing down.

You mean like those annoying clouds from those fucking e-cigs that hipsters suck on in some oral fixation thing?