
There are very few articles on Kotaku that aren't utter rubbish or pure clickbait, often both. This has been going on since before one of their editors slept with her so I don't understand why it took this long for you to become disillusioned with the site.

Kotaku's editor fucked the girl in question and wrote several pro articles about "depression quest." never mind that the game in question would ave been terrible and not interested a sole... kotaku buried the lead as in THEIR EDITOR FUCKED HER then wrote positive stories about a game not even released. there is an

the fact you had time to respond to me shows you have no priorities in life. Am i worth the time you could be spending with your "family." I guess so since you felt the need to put me in front of your loved ones. Father of the year, Family man of the year. "*Your" an inspiration to pieces of shit everywhere sir.

I bet your terrible at your job , with your wife and lousy at raising your kids