
you have redeemed yourself from your Kony shirt sir, you may walk aroudn in public without shame once again

name me 1 person who doesnt suffer. please. now your logic dictates we must pay them all based on their suffering.

i hope somone kills him like the terrorist he is

i was swinging around a super sledge in a small house killing some half naked bandits...when all the sudden , a tiny cute little kitten wandered into the room, and BOOM , i exploded that kitten into a shower of eyeballs and guts, i felt HORRIFIED, i almost suicided my character. But the killing of “innocents” has

Ina Garten is super nice , and super rich , seriously looks up her wealth , its freaking staggering. i never woula guessed she was richest person on food network.

an AD , to see a car bomb. an AD that loads 3 seconds into the video. A 30 second AD for a 25 second video of people getting killed. Do you really want me to associate that product with CAR BOMBS. GUESS WHAT YOU DID.

your stupid then , buying charcters in LOL, when dota has eveything free , only aesthetics cost money. You pay to unlock content like a fucking moron, and i bet you feel special when your OP flavor the week you just bought is good , till they nerf it , and introduce a new flavor, only 5.99 more, dumb fish like you

on disablity benefits.... fuck this guy. my best friend is a goddamn dwarf and he doesnt qualify for disablity, yet this fucking TOOL does, when he has no physical ailements what soever. Agorophobic my ass, he is a lazy piece of shit who is giving disabled people a bad name. im so goddamn angry about this im gonna

Robot boys looks accurate , Saitama looks nothing like him. Saitama doesnt express emotion, he has the funniest flatest face in anime. his lack of acting is what sells me on the show, dude needs to act bored or soemthing

that is not a photo. That is CG. nothing is real in that fucking photo. seriously show it without effects , and there is nothing.

fuck you, tim russ , and michael dorf , both independantly have been writing plots and scripts for TWENTY FUCKING years. dont you dare say this hack , and his 2 hacky movies saved star trek.... Listen to the star talk radio, with Neil degrasse Tyson interview carolyn Porco , Who was invited as a science expert on JJ’s

they love each other very much

says the psycho bitch who posted the same thing 7 times in less than 2 minutes... being a PC cop isnt a real job , so please fuck off with all possible expedience. Did u not even notice the AUTHOR OF THE POST commented and laughed. THE AUTHOR.. OF THE POST. yet here you being all outraged n shit, seriously , FUCK OFF

rascist? , im calling someone a pedo , not a nigger. but ill most certainly call you a Pc BITCH. everyone else has been joking , but i think your actually a bitch , no joke.

i bet you are fun at parties

You can keep him and roman polanski, plenty of good books and movies not composed by pedo’s

that song was about jennifer love hewit... not some 14 year old. and for the record i agree JLH body IS a wonderland

replace an adult woman pining for “sexy child”, with an adult man pining for a “sexy child” and ya i think even a doorknob such as yourself could see the problem.

this is pedophilia, you are disgusting. If a man wrote this , he would be jailed.

no you are fucking not